%0 Journal Article
%@ 1789-6339
%A  Dusek Tamás
%D 2015
%F acta:36483
%J Közép-európai közlemények
%K Településfejlesztés Magyarország tanulmány, Magyarország
%N 3
%P 101-109
%T A lakókörnyezeti biztonságérzet településtípusok szerinti különbsége Magyarországon
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/36483/
%V 8
%X This  study  examines  the  association  between  urban/rural  residence  and  the  perceived neighbourhood  safety  in  Hungary. The  main  component  in  the  neighborhood  satisfaction  is  the subjective evaluation of safety. One obvious finding of previous research is that the best predictor of fear of crime is sex, at least from the socio-demographic variables.  In our research the spatial aspect  was  more important: the spatial differences overshadow the gender differences, in spite of the high level of spatial aggregation.
%Z Bibliogr.: p. 107-109.