relation: title: Családi vállalkozás háttérrel rendelkező pályakezdők karrierterveinek és motivációinak összefüggései = Correlations of carrierplans and motivations of entrants with family business in the background creator: Tóth-Bordásné Marosi Ildikó description: The future is the young generations’. But what could be the carrier plans of the today (18–33 years old) young people? What motivates them in formulating different career plans? Is the idea of a family business ”at home” appealing, or on the contrary alarming for them? The answers to these questions were pursued with the help of a research executed in 2014. The results of the nonrepresentative sample of 143 people, proved to be able to reveal certain correlations. The respondents’ career concept featured mostly temporary careers, which was coupled with achievement motivation. However, entrepreneurial existence, self-employment and the succession of the business would be more appropriate for those with linear or professional career plan. date: 2015 type: Cikk, tanulmány, mű type: NonPeerReviewed format: part language: hu identifier: identifier: Tóth-Bordásné Marosi Ildikó: Családi vállalkozás háttérrel rendelkező pályakezdők karrierterveinek és motivációinak összefüggései = Correlations of carrierplans and motivations of entrants with family business in the background. In: Taylor : gazdálkodás- és szervezéstudományi folyóirat, (7) 3-4. pp. 295-302. (2015) language: hun