%P 129-139
%O Bibliogr. a lĂĄbjegyzetekben ; ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T MegjegyzĂŠsek az Ăşgynevezett Nagy KĂĄroly-szablyĂĄrĂłl
%J Byzance et ses voisins : mÊlanges à la mÊmoire de Gyula Moravcsik à l'occasion du centième anniversaire de sa naissance
%A  ErdĂŠlyi IstvĂĄn
%S Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : Opuscula Byzantina
%D 1994
%L acta4111
%K Magyarország története - középkor, Bizánc - művelődéstörténet
%V 9
%X The origin of the ornamental sabre at 'Schatzkammer' in Vienna is disputed. In opposition to Z. TĂłth's hypotesis and supporting some Russian researcher's opinion in some degree the reader considers an eastern origin (from the Khazar Khaganat) as acceptable and he presumes different way of coming to Hungary. He considers possible that the sabre may have been in a grave. The reader vill share his latest observations regarding bending and restraigtening of the blade and his earlier critical remarks on Z. TĂłth' book (Attila's Schwert, 1930).