%P 118-133 %O Bibliogr.: p. 126-127. ĂŠs a lĂĄbjegyzetekben ; ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %T Mit ettek a szarmatĂĄk? : adatok a szarmatĂĄk ĂŠtkezĂŠsi szokĂĄsaihoz archeobotanikai ĂŠs archeozoolĂłgiai vizsgĂĄlatok alapjĂĄn %J MĂłra AkadĂŠmia : szakkollĂŠgiumi tanulmĂĄnykĂśtet 2. %A MolnĂĄr Karola %S MĂłra AkadĂŠmia %D 2015 %L acta47737 %K SzarmatĂĄk - rĂŠgĂŠszet - leletek %V 2 %X In this short study I tried to make a reconstruction about the sarmatian agricultural habits, animal husbandry, and eating habits, with the help of archaeobotanical and archaeozoological remains. In their early period, they kept their nomad traditions. After the settlement, they began to grew crops, and vegetables. At first they grew millet, and barley. Later, maybe on a Roman influence, they grow wheat. They also grew beans and peas in gardens. Maybe they added fruits, and berries to their meals, but we have not got evidences to prove this presumption. According to the animal remains from this era, they raised cattle, horse, sheep, goat, pig, and poultry (hen, goose). We can separate two periods in sarmatian animal husbandry. In the early period, cattle, horse, sheep, and goat were dominant, because of the nomad animal raising traditions. However in the second period, after the settlement, they began to raise pig, and poultry.