%0 Conference Paper %A Szemerédi Dávid %A Bacsa Ildikó %A Wölfling János %A Schneider Gyula %A Mernyák Erzsébet %B International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (23.) (2017) (Szeged) %D 2017 %F acta:56235 %K Szerves kémia - előadáskivonat %P 390-391 %T Buchwald-Hartwig cross coupling of 13α-estrone %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/56235/ %V 23 %X Use of catalysts and alternatives of traditional heating are important part of environmentallyfriendly processes and sustainable chemistry. Here we aimed to develop a suitable method for Buchwald-Hartwig amination of 13α-estrone by microwave assisted synthesis. %Z Bibliogr.: p. 390-381.