KW  - Analitikai kémia
KW  -  Szervetlen kémia
KW  -  Fotolízis
TI  - VUV photolysis of coumarin as a potentional actinometer of the 185 nm VUV light = Kumarin, mint potenciális aktinométer 185 nm hullámhosszúságú VUV fotolízisének vizsgálata
SP  - 507
A1  -  Kis Dóra
A1  -  Náfrádi Máté
A1  -  Schrantz Krisztina
A1  -  Alapi Tünde
AV  - public
UR  - http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/56260/
N2  - Vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) photons are able to generate directly H? and HO? from water due to its direct photolysis. Consequently this method can be applied for the investigation f the HO? initiated reactions and the effect of the reaction parameters ont he formation rate of this reactive radical having important role in the Advanced Oxidation Processes. For characterization the light source we have to determine the photon flux of the VUV photons, The aime of this work was the investigation of the effect of dissolved oxygen, dinitrogenoxide and pH on the VUV photolysis of coumarin and formation of its hydroxylated byproduct coumarin using 185 nm VUV light.
T2  - International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems (23.) (2017) (Szeged)
N1  - Bibliogr.: 511. p. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
ID  - acta56260
Y1  - 2017///
VL  - 23
EP  - 511
SN  - 978-963-306-563-1
ER  -