%0 Conference Paper %A Kovács Sándor %D 2010 %F acta:57814 %K MCMC szimuláció, Kockázatelemzés, Lineáris programozás %P 405-414 %T A comparison of simulation softwares in modelling the crop structure management with a stochastic linear programming model %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/57814/ %X I created a stochastic linear programming model based on crop structure data. As to determine the optimal structure, I perform an MCMC simulation by using WINBUGS and two other Risk Analysis softwares. Best values and the related coefficients of the goal functions, provided by different softwares, were analysed and compared. A deterministic linear programming solution was also compared to all the result of the stochastic simulations. I also determined and compared the optimal solutions of the different softwares according to András Prékopa’s study. Evaluating the results WINBUGS proved to be the most suitable software for establishing management decisions in crop structure modelling. In my study I also presented the way for implementing stochastic linear programming models in WINBUGS. %Z Bibliogr.: p. 413-414. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven