%0 Book Section
%A  Csorba Péter
%D 2006
%F acta:62387
%K Tájökológia
%P 117-122
%T Indikátorok az ökológiai táj szerkezet és táj működés jellemzésére = Indices to evaluate the ecological landscape structure and landscape functioning
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/62387/
%X Similarly to most natural sciences, ecological landscape evalutation endeavours to support its results with more quantitative data. However, objective possibilities to find good indicators for landscape ecological evaluations are obviously problematic. We suggest to use the following indices, warning their limited quantitativness at the same time. Landscape pattern-density, connectedness of the landscape patches, stability of land-use structure and the ecological health-level of landscape patches seem to be appropriate indices to characterise landscape structure.
%Z Bibliogr.: 122. p. és a lábjegyzetben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven