%L acta63221 %A LadĂĄnyi ErzsĂŠbet %P 85-92 %V 8 %X The article presents examples of Ukrainian translation Solutions, based on the short story of the Hungarian novelist GĂŠza Chath. The translations are made for a competition announced by the Hungarian Balassi Institute. %T DĂŹvÄinka abo hlopÄik? bokal abo Äarka? - na materĂŹalĂŹ UkraĂŻns'koho perekladu noveli Gezi Äata JoŞÏka %O Bibliogr.: 92. p. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %K MĹąfordĂtĂĄs - ukrĂĄn, Magyar irodalom tĂśrtĂŠnete - 20. sz. %D 2018 %J Hungaro-Ruthenica