%L acta63223 %A Makarec Čliâ %P 103-113 %V 8 %X The article is dedicated to the deviant tendencies in the subsystems of the proper names in the Ukrainian language. The phonetic and morphological deformations of the official proper names were collected and the extralinguistic factors of the destruction of norms in the Ukrainian language have been investigated. Since a proper name is a linguistic and legal phenomenon at the same time, the problem is analyzed both in linguistic and legal terms, with special attention to the official spelling as it is considered to be the realization of a personâs right to a name. %T Movna situaĹÏâ UkraĂŻni krĂŹz' prizmu devĂŹacĂŹj antroponĂŹmnoĂŻ sistemi UkraĂŻns'koĂŻ movi %O Bibliogr.: p. 112-113. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %K NyelvĂŠszet %D 2018 %J Hungaro-Ruthenica