title: Új "egyidejűség" felé : párhuzamok Karinthy Frigyes Mennyei Riportja és Madách Tragédiája között
creator:  Nagy Edit
description: The wide use of new technical and communicational devices resulted that, compared to people of previous ages, our relation to spatiality and time has changed. Today's philosophers and sociologists talk about the age of a new simultaneity. The same problem is addressed in a different genre in the novel of Karinthy Frigyes, the Mennyei Riport (Heavenly Report). My lecture is an introduction to a larger project of mine, in which I plan to explore the dual space-time concept of Karinthy’s mentioned work and Madách's Az ember tragédiája (The Tragedy of Man).
date: 2009
type: Konferencia vagy workshop anyag
type: NonPeerReviewed
format: part
language: hu
identifier:    Nagy Edit:   Új "egyidejűség" felé : párhuzamok Karinthy Frigyes Mennyei Riportja és Madách Tragédiája között.