%P 115-127 %O Bibliogr.: 127. p. %T A tartĂłs munkanĂŠlkĂźlisĂŠg csapdĂĄjĂĄban : veszĂŠlyek ĂŠs remĂŠnyek egy kutatĂĄs szemszĂśgĂŠbĹl %J TanulmĂĄnyok a tĂĄrsadalomrĂłl II. : a Szegedi TudomĂĄnyegyetem Alkalmazott TĂĄrsadalomismereti TanszĂŠk valamint az SZTE SzociĂĄlis Munka ĂŠs SzociĂĄlpolitika TanszĂŠk tudomĂĄnyos diĂĄkkĂśri munkĂĄi %A Halustyik Ăva %S TanulmĂĄnyok a tĂĄrsadalomrĂłl %D 2015 %L acta64638 %K MunkanĂŠlkĂźlisĂŠg - MagyarorszĂĄg %V 2 %X The present study investigates the issue of long-term unemployment among the long-term unemployed in OroshĂĄza, from the perspective of the concerned individuals and professionals. Aims to examine the developmental risks and consequences of deviant behaviour together with the effectiveness of the social and healthcare system. On the basis of statistical data, the questionnaire analyses the main characteristics of long-term unemployment, its links with health condition, prevalence rate of different deviation types, a personâs livelihood, family and social relationships and the subjective perception of their actual life situation. Using the method of personal interview the research explores the functioning of the local health and social care systems, describes the institutional programs and services. The study seeks to understand to what extend the working-age people with labour market disadvantage avail themselves of the available opportunities in order to solve their social and mental problems.