%L acta66393 %A SzĹącs Norbert %P 141-195 %X OVER THE ĂPERENCIĂS SEA...Hungarian au pairs in West Europe : The word âau pairâ means young people who live in a foreign country in the same conditions as the host family and they also live and work with the family. The au pair usually looks after the children and helps the famÂŹily with light housework for accommodation, food, and regular pocket money. In this essay, I investigate the motivations of the au pairs working in West Europe and their experiences about this job.During the research, I applied many different research methods such as deep interviews with youths who returned home having worked as au pairs and also interviews with several heads of au pair agencies. A marketÂŹleading au pair agency made its database available to me so I could anaÂŹlyze application forms, CVâs and introductory letters too. A few of the most important observations of the research:In the past decade, the motivation for the au pair work and the social basis of the job has changed radically. At the beginning of the 1990âs, the German speaking countries were just as popular as the English speaking ones were. Today most of the young people travel to Great Britain. The change of destinations relates to the change of motivations. Ten years ago, one of the most important aims was to earn money and escape from unemployment. Nowadays the au pair work does not offer the possibility of becoming rich quickly. The primary motivations are usually such things as studying a language in a native speaking environment or getting to know the culture or gaining more independence from the family. The characteristics of au pairs have changed accordingly:At the beginning of the 1990âs, the au pair work was primarily for youth without ambitions for further studies and with the threat of unemÂŹployment. Today it is a chance of language study for more educated peoÂŹple. The experiences gained abroad play an important part in the career of the youth who worked as au pairs, (email: noreszl23@freemail.hu) %T Az ĂperenciĂĄs-tengeren is tĂşl...Magyar au pair-ek Nyugat-EurĂłpĂĄban ĂŠs az EgyesĂźlt Ăllamokban %O TĂĄblĂĄzatokkal, grafikonokkal ill. Bibliogr.: p. 194-195. RezĂźmĂŠ angolul %K IfjĂşsĂĄgszociolĂłgia - hallgatĂłi munkavĂĄllalĂĄs - kĂźlfĂśld - gyermekfelĂźgyelet %D 2004 %J A lĂĄtĂłhatĂĄr mĂśgĂśtt : szociolĂłgiai tanulmĂĄnyok