%0 Book Section %@ 978-963-306-254-8 %A Barna Gábor %D 2014 %F acta:67090 %K Emlékezetpolitika - magyar, Vallásosság - Magyarország - 19-20. sz., Ünnep - Magyarország - 19-20. sz. %N 4 %P 72-80 %S A vallási kultúrakutatás könyvei %T National feasts, political memorial rites - feasts of civil religion? %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/67090/ %X The 19th century was marked by the “production” of the bourgeois state and national feasts. the paper deals with the formation of celebration of this Hungarian national historical memorial feast: 15th of March (National Memorial Day of the Bourgeois Revolution and War of Independence 1848/1849) in the past 150 years and the present. March 15, 1848 was first commemorated in 1849, after that it was forbidden for decades. it was only after the compromise between Austria and Hungary (1867) that March 15, chosen as a national feast in 1849, could be celebrated freely. But it did not become an official national feast until 1927. Since then the different political forces have attempted to exploit the message of March 15 for their own purposes. The paper shows the different uses and abuses of history, the different interpretation of the past and the given feast. %Z Bibliogr.: p. 78-80. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven