%P 163-205 %O Bibliogr.: p. 190-194. ĂŠs a lĂĄbjegyzetekben ; ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %T Hogyan szerkesszĂźk meg egy szent tiszteletĂŠt? : a tĂĄrsadalmi igĂŠnyek, a politika ĂŠs a megĂŠlt vallĂĄsossĂĄg szerepe ĂrpĂĄd-hĂĄzi Margit szenttĂŠ avatĂĄsĂĄban %J VallĂĄs, egyĂŠn, tĂĄrsadalom %A Barna GĂĄbor %N 7 %S A vallĂĄsi kultĂşrakutatĂĄs kĂśnyvei %D 2014 %L acta67129 %K Szentek tisztelete, ĂrpĂĄd-hĂĄzi Szent Margit, Katolikus egyhĂĄz - MagyarorszĂĄg - 1920-1940-es ĂŠvek %X Beaticaiton and sanctification belog to the inner affairs of the Roman Catholic Church. They mirror back the demands, wishes, efforts of an epoch, they are in connection with social processes and value-system of a time period and the society. Beatification processes are succesfull all the more they can reconcile the religious/church and social demands, or they can bring the veneration of the given person into fashion in the major part of the society. It has happened to the veneration of Margaret of the House of Arpad in the first half of the 20th century. The paper describes this process from that time period with help of analysis of archival sources, media, literature, and fine arts. The paper contents especially the connection of politics and the sanctification process of Margaret.