%D 2020 %L acta69776 %J Jelenkori tĂĄrsadalmi ĂŠs gazdasĂĄgi folyamatok %C Szeged %T Tanyagondnokok KomĂĄditĂłl HajdĂşnĂĄnĂĄsig %P 79-89 %O Bibliogr.: 89. p. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol ĂŠs magyar nyelven %A OrbĂĄn Szabolcs Gergely %X Az alfĂśldi tanyĂĄk sajĂĄtos kultĂşrĂĄjukkal, ĂŠletformĂĄjukkal, ĂŠvszĂĄzados ĂŠrtĂŠkeikkel egyedĂźlĂĄllĂł telepĂźlĂŠsformĂĄk EurĂłpĂĄban. A tanyĂĄn valĂł ĂŠlet mindig is meglehetĹsen deprivĂĄlt volt, hiszen a fenntarthatĂłsĂĄg ĂŠrdekĂŠben rengeteg hĂĄtrĂĄltatĂł kĂśrĂźlmĂŠnnyel kellett az ottlakĂłknak megbirkĂłzniuk. Az elmĂşlt ĂŠvtizedekben a lakĂłk kiĂśregedtek, az utĂłdok, a fiatalabb generĂĄciĂłk szĂĄmĂĄra pedig mĂĄr nem vonzĂłak a tanyĂĄk ĂĄltal nyĂşjtott lehetĹsĂŠgek, Ăgy mind az ott lakĂłk, mind a lakĂłegysĂŠgek szĂĄma fokozatosan csĂśkken. Az idĹsebb lakĂłk ĂŠletĂŠnek megkĂśnnyĂtĂŠse, illetve az utĂłdok helybentartĂĄsa melletti kĂźzdelemben a tanyagondnok az, aki felveszi a harcot egyszemĂŠlyben, a tanyagondnoki szolgĂĄltatĂĄs, mint szociĂĄlis alapszolgĂĄltatĂĄs keretĂŠben. TanulmĂĄnyom elsĹdleges cĂŠlja aktuĂĄlis adatok szerzĂŠse volt a HajdĂş-Bihar megyĂŠben talĂĄlhatĂł tanyagondnoki szolgĂĄltoknĂĄl tevĂŠkenykedĹ tanyagondnokok szemĂŠlyĂŠre, ĂśsszetĂŠtelĂŠre, kĂŠpzettsĂŠgĂŠre, ellĂĄtĂĄsi terĂźletĂŠre ĂŠs ellĂĄtottaira vonatkozĂłan, mĂĄsodsorban pedig arra kerestem a vĂĄlaszt, hogy ezek a szakemberek hogy ĂtĂŠlik meg a tanyĂĄk jĂśvĹjĂŠt. A kutatĂĄs sorĂĄn megkerestem HajdĂş-Bihar megye Ăśsszes tanyagondnokĂĄt, akiket egy kĂŠrdĹĂven kĂŠrdeztem meg, tovĂĄbbĂĄ nĂŠhĂĄnyukkal, illetve a tanyagondnoki szolgĂĄltatĂĄst nyĂşjtĂł fenntartĂłkkal interjĂşkat kĂŠszĂtettem, mely anyagokbĂłl egy ĂśnĂĄllĂłan elkĂŠszĂtett adatbĂĄzist ĂĄllĂtottam Ăśssze. Abstract: The homesteads of the AlfĂśld are unique settlements in Europe with their specific culture, lifestyle and centuries-old values. Life on the homesteads has always been quite deprived, as the residents had to cope with a lot of backlogs in order to be sustainable. In recent decades, residents have grown older and the opportunities provided by homesteads are no longer attractive to offspring and younger generations, so the number of residents and units is gradually decreasing. In the struggle to make life easier for older residents and to maintain offspring, the homestead janitor is the one who fights one-on-one with the parenting service as a basic social service. The primary purpose of my study was to obtain up-to-date information on the identity, composition, qualifications, area of homestead janitors of the material security service providers in HajdĂş-Bihar County, and secondly, to find out how these professionals view the future of the homesteads. In the course of the research I contacted all the homestead janitors of HajdĂş-Bihar County, who I asked through a questionnaire, and interviewed some of them and the maintainers providing the homestead janitors service, from which I made a self-made database. %N 1-2 %V 15 %K TanyavilĂĄg - AlfĂśld, TanyagondnoksĂĄg %I Szegedi TudomĂĄnyegyetem MĂŠrnĂśki Kar