%P 32-40
%O Bibliogr.: 36. p. ; ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T A keleti templom ikonogrĂĄfiĂĄja ĂŠs a vizuĂĄlis kommunikĂĄciĂł
%J A szenttisztelet tĂśrtĂŠneti rĂŠtegei ĂŠs formĂĄi MagyarorszĂĄgon ĂŠs KĂśzĂŠp-EurĂłpĂĄban : a magyar szentek tisztelete
%A  CserbĂĄk AndrĂĄs
%S Szegedi vallĂĄsi nĂŠprajzi kĂśnyvtĂĄr
%D 2001
%L acta69955
%K Szentek tisztelete - MagyarorszĂĄg, VallĂĄsi kultusz - KĂśzĂŠp-EurĂłpa, NĂŠpi vallĂĄsossĂĄg - magyar
%V 8
%X The study introduces the structure of the liturgical space and the biblical theological background of the Eastern Church and compares it with the analysis of the dramatic customs. The Eastern Church is the analogy of the cosmos. Its pictures illustrate the posthumus/post motrem part of God's people and those who take part in the liturgy are the prehumous ones. Together they from the sacred theatre, the one and indivisible reality. The author thinks that the results of the analysis in Eastern liturgical space and ceremony are applicable for the research in rituals/rites and customs in general.