%0 Book Section %@ 963 482 319 X %A Lantosné Imre Mária %D 2001 %F acta:69968 %K Mária-tisztelet - Magyarország, Folklór - magyar, Népi vallásosság - magyar, Ikonográfia - keresztény %P 259-278 %S Szegedi vallási néprajzi könyvtár %T Szűz Mária kultusz és ikonográfia a pécsi egyházmegyében %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/69968/ %V 7 %X Under the Turkish occupation in the 16u'-17th centuries many dioceses of Hungary became deserted. In the 18th century Hungarians, Germans, Croatians settled down to these regions, so in South Transdanubia. This migration helped and coloured the renewel of the veneration of Virgin Mary. This can be seen on the different dedications of the Maran churches and on the different icinographical representations of her. The most popular cults of Virgin Mary are the Virgin Mary of Loreto and the Mariahilf. It is worth mentioning the dressing of the roadside crosses and the statues of Mary. %Z Bibliogr.: p. 269-271. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven