%P 97-101
%O Bibliogr.: 101. p. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T Szűz Mária ábrázolása az Érdy-kódexben
%J Boldogasszony : SzĹąz MĂĄria tisztelete MagyarorszĂĄgon ĂŠs KĂśzĂŠp-EurĂłpĂĄban
%A  Dienes ErzsĂŠbet
%S Szegedi vallĂĄsi nĂŠprajzi kĂśnyvtĂĄr
%D 2001
%L acta69977
%K MĂĄria-tisztelet - MagyarorszĂĄg, FolklĂłr - magyar, NĂŠpi vallĂĄsossĂĄg - magyar, IkonogrĂĄfia - keresztĂŠny, KĂłdex - magyar - 1527
%V 7
%X In 1526 the cult of Virgin Mary got a special place in the Érdy-Codex. Apart from the legends of Mary we can find her descriptions in the legends of St. Anne, St. Stephen - our first king -, and bishop St. Gerard. She is always presented in the legends of other saints as a helper, advicer, miraculous comforter and listener of the prayers. The author shows us the descriptions of Virgin Mary in the legends and she analysis their texts.