title: Búcsú és búcsúvezetők Jászárokszálláson
creator:  Faragó Jánosné
subject: 05. Társadalomtudományok
subject: 05.04. Szociológia
description: The title feast to the honour of the Holy Trinity was an important celebration to strengthen the religiosity of the people at Jászárokszállás. The other important feast fell on the 5th August. This feast, Our Lady of Snow is the title feast of the nearby chapel. The locals regularly attended the pilgrimage feast of Mátraverebély. Pilgrimage leaders and foresingers guided the singing during pilgrimages. The author mentions Antal and Ferenc Garics, Ignác Rédei and introduces Émán (Vak/Blind) Szabó and Lajos Varga pilgrimage leaders' activity in details. Lajos Varga was one of the most important pilgrimage leaders. Hissongs and his „Bible written in verse" are very popular nowadays as well. Pilgrimage leaders were respected and beloved personalities. Theirsongs and prayers are used in the devotion of the believers.
date: 1998
type: Könyv része
type: NonPeerReviewed
format: part
language: hu
identifier:    Faragó Jánosné:   Búcsú és búcsúvezetők Jászárokszálláson.  In: Szentemberek - a vallásos élet szervező egyéniségei, (1).  pp. 264-274. (1998)   
language: hun
language: eng