SN  - 2062-9877
T3  - Monográfiák a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Régészeti Tanszékér?l
SP  - 187
ID  - acta70887
A1  -  Kapcsos Norbert
A1  -  M?rginean Florin
N2  - Archaeological investigations at the archaeological site Conop-?Cot?rci/P?tul? were carried out in 2018 summer, connected to the modernisation of the railway infrastructure between Curtici and Simeria. The archaeological features unearthed at the site dated from the late Bronze Age, the late La Tčne period, the beginning of the Hunnic period, and from the Middle Ages. The aim of the paper is to present the archaeological finds and features from the Hunnic period (last third of the 4th?first third of the 5th century), and to examine the role of the site in the context of its geographical position: it is in the contact zone between two neighbouring areas characterized by two distinct cultures, the late Sarmatian Barbaricum and the so called ?post-Chernyakhov? territory. The modest archaeological material comprises twelve features from the beginning of the Hunnic period, which contained potsherds and a bronze brooch. The ceramic finds suggest that the vessels at the site were specific and characteristic from the technological and typological point of view. The share of the wheel-thrown fine ware within the material shows similarities with that at the late Sarmatian sites in the Great Hungarian Plain, and it exceeds the proportion of wheel-thrown fine ware at the Chernyakhovian and ?post-Chernyakhovian? sites in the Transylvanian Basin. As far as the typological characteristics of the wheel-thrown fine ware are concerned, one can observe an amalgamation of shapes characteristic in the Sarmatian Barbaricum on the Great Hungarian Plain and those from the Chernyakhovian territories in the Transylvanian Basin. For example, two types of bowls can be distinguished, with semispherical and biconical shapes. The fast wheel-thrown gritty ware is not a typical technological category among the Sarmatian pottery in the lowland part of the Lower Maros Valley. In contrast, it appears in Conop, as well as at the Chernyakhovian sites in the Transylvanian Basin. Wheel turned pots tempered with quartzite and crushed pebble compose the most interesting group at the site from the technological point of view. The characteristic shape and decoration suggests links to the late Sarmatian sites of the Great Hungarian Plain. Here, this technological type of pottery appeared at the end of the 4th century without any precedent, while in the material of the Chernyakhovian sites in the Transylvanian Basin it was a widely applied technology from the 4th century on. Quartzite for the wheel turned pots ? used for tempering the clay ? was ?imported? from the territory of the Transylvanian Basin to the Great Hungarian Plain, since, according to the geological structures of the Great Hungarian Plain, this component was not available in the lowland area. All necessary conditions were present at the Chernyakhovian sites in the Transylvanian Basin to produce this type of pottery already from the 4th century: the technology of wheel turning, as well as certain shapes of pots, decorations, and the primary commodity for tempering, quartzite. Consequently, one can presume that the appearence of the type in the Great Hungarian Plain at the end of the 4th century might have been linked to a technological transfer from the Transylvanian Basin. The proof of this hypothesis requires further research. Neverthless, one should take into account that the above-mentioned territories were integrated into the structure of the Hun Empire from the end of the 4th century, which might have facilitated the transfer of technologies and objects.
CY  - Szeged
Y1  - 2020///
TI  - Egy 4. század végi - 5. század eleji teleprészlet Konop határában : kontaktzóna vagy kutatási stádium?
EP  - 213
KW  - Régészet - leletek
N1  - Bibliogr.: p. 197-200. és a lábjegyzetekben ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
UR  - http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/70887/
M1  - 7
AV  - public
ER  -