%P 69-72
%C Szeged
%O Bibliogr. : 72. p. ĂŠs a lĂĄbjegyzetekben ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T I. Lajos kirĂĄly lendvai vĂĄsĂĄradomĂĄnya : 1366?
%J Acta Universitatis Szegediensis : acta historica
%A  Piti Ferenc
%D 2020
%I University of Szeged, Magyar Medievisztikai KutatĂłcsoport
%L acta71752
%K MagyarorszĂĄg tĂśrtĂŠnete - 14. sz.
%V 145
%X King Louis I of Hungary (1342–1382) donated a market-privilege to Lendva (today Lendava, Slovenia) by his charter which he issued, according to the source itself, in 1366 not only as King of Hungary, but also of Poland. Because of it József Csermelyi thought in his paper some years ago that the real year of the charter was 1376. This study, due to other reasons and based on data of contemporary charters, tries to certify that the source was issued in fact in 1367.