%P 93-106 %C Szeged %O Bibliogr.: p. 104-106. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol ĂŠs magyar nyelven %T A munkĂĄltatĂłi mĂĄrka meghatĂĄrozĂĄsa ĂŠs szlogen alapĂş ĂŠrtelmezĂŠse %J Jelenkori tĂĄrsadalmi ĂŠs gazdasĂĄgi folyamatok %A Dajnoki Krisztina %A HĂŠder-Rima MĂĄria %N 3-4 %D 2020 %I Szegedi TudomĂĄnyegyetem MĂŠrnĂśki Kar %L acta71786 %K VezetĂŠs - vĂĄllalati, MunkaerĹ-gazdĂĄlkodĂĄs, MĂĄrkanĂŠv %V 15 %X A munkĂĄltatĂłi mĂĄrka jelentĹsĂŠge nĂśvekvĹ napjainkban, ezĂŠrt annak tudatos alakĂtĂĄsa szervezeti tĂpustĂłl ĂŠs mĂŠrettĹl fĂźggetlenĂźl egyre inkĂĄbb kĂśzponti szerepbe kerĂźl. A tanulmĂĄnyban egyrĂŠszt arra kerestĂźk a vĂĄlaszt, hogy a munkĂĄltatĂłi mĂĄrkĂĄt milyen szempontbĂłl ĂŠrtelmezhetjĂźk, valamint milyen mĂłdon azonosĂthatjuk ĂŠs alakĂthatjuk? Szakirodalmi forrĂĄsok ĂśsszegyĹąjtĂŠse ĂŠs feldolgozĂĄsa alapjĂĄn azt az eredmĂŠnyt kaptuk, hogy a munkĂĄltatĂłi mĂĄrka hĂĄromszempontĂş ĂŠrtelmezĂŠsben foglalhatĂł Ăśssze, miszerint eszkĂśz, ĂgĂŠret ĂŠs a hosszĂştĂĄvĂş stratĂŠgiai folyamat rĂŠsze, mely a szervezet valamennyi kĂźlsĹ ĂŠs belsĹ ĂŠrintetti csoportjĂĄra hatĂĄst gyakorol. MĂŠrĂŠsĂŠhez ĂŠs befolyĂĄsolĂĄsĂĄhoz nem szĂźksĂŠges Ăşj rendszerek megalkotĂĄsa, meglĂŠvĹ eszkĂśzĂśk ĂśsszehangolĂĄsa teheti azt hatĂŠkonnyĂĄ. MĂĄsrĂŠszt azt vizsgĂĄltuk, hogy a munkĂĄltatĂłi mĂĄrkĂĄhoz milyen tartalom tĂĄrsulhat. Az ehhez kapcsolĂłdĂł kĂśvetkeztetĂŠseinket egyrĂŠszt szekunder vizsgĂĄlatra alapozva, mĂĄsrĂŠszt primer fĂłkuszcsoportos interjĂş eredmĂŠnyekĂŠppen fogalmaztuk meg. MegĂĄllapĂtottuk, hogy a szervezeti szlogen alapjĂĄn olyan asszociĂĄciĂłk fogalmazĂłdnak meg a kĂźlsĹ ĂŠrintettekben, amelyek az adott szervezet vezetĂŠsi stĂlusĂĄra, szervezeti stratĂŠgiĂĄjĂĄra, szervezeti kultĂşrĂĄjĂĄra, munkakĂśrnyezetĂŠre ĂŠs munkatĂĄrsakra vonatkoznak. Az eredmĂŠnyek alapjĂĄn azt a kĂśvetkeztetĂŠst vontuk le, hogy a szlogen ĂŠs kĂśzvetve a brand alakĂtĂĄsĂĄnak kĂŠrdĂŠsĂŠben a szervezeti humĂĄn erĹforrĂĄs gazdĂĄlkodĂĄsnak elengedhetetlen szerepe van, ugyanis a megfogalmazott kĂŠpzettĂĄrsĂtĂĄsok olyan terĂźletet ĂŠrintenek, melyek alakĂtĂĄsa a szervezet humĂĄn erĹforrĂĄs gazdĂĄlkodĂĄsĂĄnak mĹąkĂśdĂŠsĂŠhez kapcsolhatĂł. Abstract: The importance of the employer brand is growing nowadays, so its conscious shaping is becoming more and more central, regardless of the type and size of the organization. In the study, on the one hand, we sought to answer the question of how we can interpret the employer brand and how we can identify and shape it. Based on the collection and processing of literature sources, we obtained the conclusion that the employer brand can be summarized in a three-pronged interpretation that it is a tool, a promise and part of a long-term strategic process that affects all external and internal stakeholder groups. It is not necessary to create new systems to measure and influence it, the coordination of existing tools can make it effective. On the other hand, we examined what content could be associated with an employer brand. Our related conclusions were formulated on the one hand based on a secondary study and on the other hand as a result of a primary focus group interview. According to this, we came to the conclusion that based on the organizational slogan, associations are formed in the external stakeholders that relate to the leadership style, organizational strategy, organizational culture, work environment and employees of the given organization. Based on the results, we concluded that organizational human resource management should play an essential role in the slogan and indirectly in shaping the brand, as most of the formulated image associations concern areas whose formation can be related to the operation of organizational human resource management.