%0 Journal Article
%@ 2064-437X
%A  Varga Ágnes Katalin
%C Szeged
%D 2020
%F acta:71815
%I Egyesület Közép-Európa Kutatására
%J Köztes-Európa : társadalomtudományi folyóirat
%K Teleki Pál, Milotay István, Politikai élet - magyar - 1939-1941, Magyarország története - 1939-1941
%N 1
%P 109-125
%T Az Imrédy-vonalat követő Milotay és a Teleki-kormány
%U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/71815/
%V 12
%X István Milotay (May 3, 1883 – February 10, 1963) is one of the most important publicists of the two world wars. He is one the founders of modern Hungarian journalism. With thirty decades of work, he represents the new voice of a new Hungarian generation. He formulated the basic ideas of the (racist) ethnic view of the 1920s before the First World War. He proclameted the hungarian self-defense, modernization and national development. His national radicalism coupled with critique of liberalism and capitalism. He wanted social revision, economic reforms, which in many cases took place/could take place at the expense of Hungarian Jewry. However, his anti-Semitic tone neve approached the simplistic style of Hungarian National Socialist propaganda. He is a proponent of war, with the German alliance, because he hoped for a territorial revision from the war, as well as internal renewal, which could not take place with the self-building and peaceful revision policy of previous years. As a significant representative of the politics and intellectuals of the far right, along with many of his contemporaries, he was unaware of the true purpose of the deportation of Judaism. As an excuse of him, whispering information about this, unlike the official version, was unreliable to many and was the subject of rumors. The study is part of the author’s doctoral dissertation.
%Z Bibliogr.: p. 124-125. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven