%P 255-265
%O Bibliogr.: p. 264-265. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven
%T Az agrĂĄrĂĄgazat szerepĂŠnek kutatĂĄsa ĂŠs annak tapasztalatai ErdĂŠlyben
%J Magyarok a KĂĄrpĂĄt-medencĂŠben 4. : rĂŠgmĂşlt ĂŠs jelen
%A  Ritter KrisztiĂĄn
%S KĂśzĂŠp-eurĂłpai MonogrĂĄfiĂĄk
%D 2020
%L acta73259
%K Vidékfejlesztés - Erdély, Mezőgazdaság - Románia - regionális, Gazdaságpolitika - Románia - regionális
%V 27
%X Besides the economical, social and environmental aspects of global changes, agriculture activities are still dominant phenomenon in the rural economy, especially in the former Hungarian rural areas outside the country’s present borders. The sector has been playing a significant role in the life of Transylvania’s rural society as well. At the same time rural areas worldwide have been effected by the international and local transformation and special processes of agriculture. The Institute for Regional Economics and Rural Development of Szent István University has been organising village researching camps for many years in settlements which can be interesting examples from rural development aspects. In the period 2010-2020 rural settlements in Transylvania provided the location many times for the camps. Besides many other topics the role of agriculture as an endogenous competitive factor in long time local development was analyzed in these settlements by primary research (questionnaires among residents and in-depth interviews). The paper focuses the results concerning this role in close relation to social economy, local employment, identity and tourism.