%C Szeged %O Bibliogr.: p. 29-31. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs angol nyelven %K DifferenciĂĄlegyenlet %T On the cyclicity of Kolmogorov polycycles %L acta76536 %A MarĂn David %A Villadelprat Jordi %N 35 %X In this paper we study planar polynomial Kolmogorovâs differential systems XÂľ xË = x f(x, y; Âľ), yË = yg(x, y; Âľ), with the parameter Âľ varying in an open subset Î â RN. Compactifying XÂľ to the PoincarĂŠ disc, the boundary of the first quadrant is an invariant triangle Î, that we assume to be a hyperbolic polycycle with exactly three saddle points at its vertices for all Âľ â Î. We are interested in the cyclicity of Î inside the family {XÂľ}ÂľâÎ, i.e., the number of limit cycles that bifurcate from Î as we perturb Âľ. In our main result we define three functions that play the same role for the cyclicity of the polycycle as the first three Lyapunov quantities for the cyclicity of a focus. As an application we study two cubic Kolmogorov families, with N = 3 and N = 5, and in both cases we are able to determine the cyclicity of the polycycle for all Âľ â Î, including those parameters for which the return map along Î is the identity. %D 2022