%C Szeged %O Bibliogr.: p. 67-68. ĂŠs a lĂĄbjegyzetekben ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs magyar ĂŠs angol nyelven %J AntikvitĂĄs ĂŠs reneszĂĄnsz %K Hermetikus irodalom - Ăłkor, HermĂŠsz Triszmegisztosz, Iamblikhosz, PorphĂźriosz, Egyiptomi vallĂĄs - Ăłkori, Platonizmus %T HermĂŠsz Ăştja : Iamblikhosz, az alkimista ZĂłszimosz ĂŠs a hermetikus tanĂtĂĄs %I MTA-SZTE AntikvitĂĄs ĂŠs ReneszĂĄnsz: ForrĂĄsok ĂŠs RecepciĂł KutatĂłcsoport %L acta77882 %A Hamvas Endre ĂdĂĄm %N 9 %P 49-68 %X De mysteriis cĂmen ismert mĹąvĂŠben a platonikus filozĂłfus, Iamblikhosz egy egyiptomi pap, AbamĂłn szemĂŠlyisĂŠgĂŠt ĂśltĂśtte magĂĄra, hogy vĂĄlaszoljon azokra a kritikĂĄkra, amelyeket mestere, PorphĂźriosz fogalmazott meg az egyiptomi vallĂĄssal szemben. Ebben az utĂłbbi azt vetette az egyiptomiak szemĂŠre, hogy vallĂĄsuk alapvetĹen materiĂĄlis princĂpiumokon nyugszik, tovĂĄbbĂĄ, hogy asztrĂĄlis determinizmust hirdet. Iamblikhosz az egyiptomi Thot-HermĂŠsz isten tanĂtĂĄsaira tĂĄmaszkodva cĂĄfolja meg PorphĂźriosz ĂĄllĂtĂĄsait, mikĂśzben kifejti a maga filozĂłfiai ĂĄllĂĄspontjĂĄt is. A tanulmĂĄnyban fĹkĂŠnt a De mysteriis nyolcadik kĂśnyvĂŠt elemezve mutatom be azt, hogy mĹąvĂŠben Iamblikhosz minden bizonnyal a hermetikus irodalomra tĂĄmaszkodott, kĂśztĂźk olyan ĂrĂĄsokra, amelyeket mi is olvashatunk. A tanulmĂĄny mĂĄsodik rĂŠszĂŠben az alkimista ZĂłszimosz HermĂŠszre vonatkozĂł tanĂtĂĄsait elemzem. A pĂĄrhuzam azĂŠrt ĂŠrdekes, mert a vizsgĂĄlat megmutatja, hogy a hermetikus irodalom recepciĂłtĂśrtĂŠnete meglehetĹsen korĂĄn elkezdĹdĂśtt, ĂŠs mĂĄr e korai szĂśvegekben is tetten ĂŠrhetĹk a hermetikus hagyomĂĄny azon elemei, amelyek a titkos isteni bĂślcsessĂŠget kinyilatkoztatĂł HermĂŠsz Triszmegisztosz alakjĂĄban Ăśltenek testet. In his work, known as De mysteriis, the platonic philosopher, Jamblichus puts on the character of an Egyptian priest Abamon. His aim was to answer his masterâs critical remarks about Egyptian religion. The main points of Porphyriusâ attack were that the Egyptian religion was based mainly on material principles and the main topic of its teaching was about astral determinism. Jamblichus leaned on the teaching of the Egyptian god Thot-Hermes, and also explained his own philosophical teachings about the principles of theurgy. In my paper I analyze the eighth book of the work, and I prove that Jamblichusâ main sources were the Hermetic literature attributed to the Thrice-Greatest Hermes, and he read Hermetic treatises known also by us. In the second part I examine Zosimos the alchemist's statements about Hermes. The ideas of both authors are interesting because they grant evidence that the reception history of Hermetica had an early beginning and also in these early texts there are a lot of elements that will be manifested in the figure of the Thrice-Greatest Hermes, the sage who reveals the hidden divine teaching to the chosen ones. %D 2022