%P 99-110 %L acta79546 %X Az illĂŠkony komponensek vizsgĂĄlata szĂĄmos tudomĂĄnyterĂźleten fontos feladat. Ez kĂźlĂśnĂśsen igaz az ĂŠlelmiszertudomĂĄny esetĂŠben, ahol sok esetben ezeknek a vegyĂźleteknek nemcsak mint kĂŠmiai markerekkĂŠnt van jelentĹsĂŠge, hanem rĂŠszt vesznek az illat, mint ĂŠrzĂŠkszervi tulajdonsĂĄg kialakĂtĂĄsĂĄban is. Az illĂŠkony vegyĂźletek gĂĄzkrom atogrĂĄfiĂĄs vizsgĂĄlata hosszĂş m Ăşltra tekint vissza, ugyanakkor a rutinszerĹąen hasznĂĄlhatĂł, oldĂłszermentes, bonyolult mintaelĹkĂŠszĂtĂŠst nem igĂŠnylĹ gĂĄzkromatogrĂĄfiĂĄs technika csak az utĂłbbi nĂŠhĂĄny ĂŠvtizedben vĂĄlt elĂŠrhetĹvĂŠ. Az SPME (szilĂĄrd fĂĄzisĂş mikroextrakciĂł) technikĂĄt az 1980-a ĂŠvek vĂŠgĂŠn m utattĂĄk be, mĂĄra azonban a gĂĄzkromatogrĂĄfiĂĄs gyakorlatban alkalmazott, alternatĂv mintaelĹkĂŠszĂtĂŠsi mĂłddĂĄ vĂĄlt. A technika kellĹen ĂŠrzĂŠkeny, jĂł reprodukĂĄlhatĂłsĂĄgot biztosĂtĂł, kĂśltsĂŠghatĂŠkony ĂŠs egy lĂŠpĂŠsben valĂłsĂtja meg az extrakciĂłt, a koncentrĂĄlĂĄst ĂŠs mintainjektĂĄlĂĄst. Az SPME technika sikeres alkalmazĂĄsĂĄra mind tĂśbb pĂŠlda mutatkozik. KĂśzlemĂŠnyĂźnkben a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem ĂlelmiszertudomĂĄnyi Kar HĹątĹ- ĂŠs AllatitermĂŠk TechnolĂłgiai TanszĂŠkĂŠn vĂŠgzett olyan kutatĂĄsok eredmĂŠnyeibĹl mutattunk be nĂŠhĂĄny pĂŠldĂĄt, ahol az ĂŠlelmiszer-elĹĂĄllĂtĂĄsi, -feldolgozĂĄsi technolĂłgiĂĄk fejlesztĂŠsĂŠben az ĂŠlelmiszerek illĂŠkony komponensei vizsgĂĄlatĂĄnak nagy jelentĹsĂŠge van. Investigation of volatile com ponents is im portant in several fields of science. This is particularly true in food science where these compounds are of great interest not only as chemical markers but they are essential in the development of smell as one of the sensory attributes. Gas chromatographic examination of volatile compounds has a long history, however, routine, solvent-free gas chromatographic technique without complicated sample preparation has become available only in the last few decades. SPME (Solid Phase Micro Extraction) technique was introduced at the end of the â80s and it has become by now an alternative sample preparation method used in the gas chromatographic practice. This technique is properly sensitive, cost effective, ensures good reproducibility, and extraction, concentration and sample injection are perform ed in one step. SPME technique is successfully used more and more often. In this paper we report about some research results of the Department of Refrigeration and Livestock Products Technology of the Faculty of Food Science of the Corvinus University of Budapest where examination of volatile components of foods was significant in the development of food processing technologies. %V 57 %K Ălelmiszeripari technolĂłgia - kutatĂĄs, ĂlelmiszertudomĂĄny - kutatĂĄs, Analitikai kĂŠmia - mĂłdszer, ĂlelmiszerkĂŠmia - mĂłdszer %C Budapest %I Q & M Kft. %D 2011 %N 2 %O Ill. ; ĂśsszefoglalĂĄs magyar ĂŠs angol nyelven %A Dalmadi IstvĂĄn %A Fail JĂłzsef %A Hitka GĂŠza %A Balla Csaba %J ĂlelmiszervizsgĂĄlati kĂśzlemĂŠnyek %T SPME-GC technika alkalmazĂĄsa ĂŠlelmiszertechnolĂłgiai kutatĂĄsokban = Application of SPME-GC technique in research of food-technology