%L acta83935
%I Department of Geoinformatics, Physical and Environmental Geography University of Szeged
%A  Laksono FX Anjar Tri
%A  Borzi Laura
%A  Distefano Salvatore
%A  Urso Salvatore
%A  Di Stefano Agata
%A  KovĂĄcs JĂĄnos
%P 22
%T Analysis of tsunami wave potential from Gela Nappe fault displacement in Southern Sicily, Italy based on earthquake focal mechanism since 1970 : [abstract]
%C Szeged
%K Geofizika - előadáskivonat, Földtan - előadáskivonat, Geomorfológia - előadáskivonat
%D 2023
%J Natural Hazards and Climate Change : conference and workshop for identifying and tackling challenges together