%0 Conference Paper %A Ahmed Ahmed Salah %A Saad Mohamed %B 30th International Symposium on Analytical and Environmental Problems %C Szeged %D 2024 %F acta:85706 %I University of Szeged %K Megújuló energiák, Energiaforrások - környezetvédelem %P 188-191 %T Comprehensive analysis of the effect of renewable energy on the stability of the environment %U http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/85706/ %V 30 %X This work represents a review of the effect of renewable energy on the stability of the environment through generating clean energy with no greenhouse gas emissions and lowering some types of air pollution by using comprehensive analysis of the processes such as consumption and production. It aims to audit the research articles in addition to the aspects and opinions to scrutiny and handle the challenges. Besides, creating an extensive vision aimed at completing research development by analyzing the published papers, patents, and industrial designs in this field. Furthermore, this present study aims to highlight on the efficient energy conversion systems, sources of greenhouse gas emissions as an attempt to reach an optimal solution to preserve the environment and climate through modern technologies. Renewable energy has unstable and indirect performance due to changing of the climate in the current era. The unstable characteristics lower the popularization and use of renewable energy resources. According to the energy consumption, analysis and studies of management system refer to the generation of photovoltaic power and wind power capacity data are predicted accurately by multiple models which are combined with an optimal control solution equation to manage it scientifically with high efficiency. In addition, the output of generating solar energy, wind power, or photovoltaic power can be flexibly selected and applied to the maximum extent. On the other hand, the energy consumption cost is minimized. So, the utilization efficiency of renewable energy sources by electricity will be improved and made considerable contributions to improving the capacity of green energy and keeping the environment lower polluted. %Z Bibliogr.: 191. p. ; ill. ; összefoglalás angol nyelven