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Bodrogközy György: Ecology of the halophilic vegetation of the Pannonicum VI. Effect of thesoil-ecological factors on the vegetation of the reserve of lake „ Dongér" at Pusztaszer. In: Acta biologica, (16) 1-2. pp. 21-41. (1970)
Bodrogközy György; Győrffy Barna: Ecology of the halophilic vegetation of the Pannonicum VII. Zonation study along the Bega-Backwaicrs in the Voivodina (Yugoslavia). In: Acta biologica, (16) 3-4. pp. 25-41. (1970)
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Halmágyi Levente; Gulyás Sándor: Nektarium und Nektarproduktion der Digitalis Arten. In: Acta biologica, (16) 1-2. pp. 43-50. (1970)
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Uherkovich Gábor: Beiträge zur Algenflora der Natron- (Szik-) Gewässer Ungarns II. Kieselalgen aus dem Teich Őszeszék. In: Acta biologica, (16) 1-2. pp. 99-108. (1970)
Varga Magdolna: On the mechanism of gibberellin-auxin interaction V. Effect of gibberellic acid on the stability o f ribonucleic acid in bean hypocotyl tissues. In: Acta biologica, (16) 1-2. pp. 81-83. (1970)
Ábrahám Ambrus Andor: Ultrastructural investigations on human carotid bodies. In: Acta biologica, (16) 3-4. pp. 97-113. (1970)