Bodrogközy György; Horváth Imre: Production tests in plant communities of meadow-land with solonetz soil. III. Zone of Agrosti-Alopecurettum. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 3-13. (1972)
Csoknya Mária; Halász Norbert: Ultrastructural investigations of the campaniform sensillae on the tracheal gill of Palingenia longicauda Oliv. (Ephemeroptera). In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 145-157. (1972)
Erdélyi Lajos: Spontaneous electrical activity of the Helix heart: different changes of the atrial and ventricular electrocardiograms as a result of various effects. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 241-252. (1972)
Erdélyi Lajos; Halász Norbert: Electron-microscopical observations on the auricle of snail heart (Helix pomalia L.) with special regard to the structure of granulated cells. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 253-267. (1972)
Ferenczy Lajos; Zsolt János; Lantos Judit: Screening for antibacterial, antifungal and antiphage substances in higher plants. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 93-116. (1972)
Gallé László: Flechtenterata in Herbarien zu Szeged. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 27-41. (1972)
Gallé László: Study of ant-populations in various grassland ecosystems. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 159-165. (1972)
Hegedűs Mária; Kedves Miklós; Párducz Árpád: Ultrastructural investigation of Upper Cretaceous Angiosperm exilies. II. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 55-69. (1972)
Horváth Andor: Mollusca periods in the sediments of the Hungarian Pleistocene. VII. The lower humid period of the boring of Felsőszentivan. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 167-180. (1972)
Horváth Imre: Fhytotron in the Botanical Gardens of the Attila József University, Szeged. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 15-19. (1972)
Horváth Imre; Bodrogközy György; Mihalik Erzsébet: Investigation of Cynodonti-Poetum angustifoliae communities in controlled environment. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 21-26. (1972)
Juhász Miklós: Study of the Trilites formgenus in Lower Cretaceous deposits. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 43-53. (1972)
Kertész J.; Molnár Annamária; Horváth Mária: The effect of the sodium salt of 2.4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid on the mitotic growth of yellow com. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 131-133. (1972)
Köves Erzsébet; Kovács Ilona: Formation of auxinmacromolecule complexes in plant organs of various ages. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 117-120. (1972)
Marcsik Antónia: Data to the paleoanthropology of the environs of Nagybaracska. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 269-277. (1972)
Maróti Imre; Szajkó Irén: Light-induced transformations of pigments. II. The role of water in the transformation of carotenoids. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 81-91. (1972)
Maróti Imre; Szemenkei Katalin: Light-induced transformations of pigments. 1. Transformations of carotenoids under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 71-80. (1972)
Matkovics Béla; Marián Miklós; Lehoczkiné Simon Mária: Some data on the in vitro hydroxylation of anthranilic acid and its biological transformation products (Part 17). In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 135-144. (1972)
Móczár László: Besonderes Verhalten von Formica rufa L. (Hymenoptera). In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 181-183. (1972)
Móczár László; Warncke Klaus: Faunenkatalog der Gattung Andrena Fabricius (Cat. Hym. XXVI). In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 185-221. (1972)
Zsoldos Ferenc: Influence of chilling on ion uptake by roots. In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 121-129. (1972)
Ábrahám Ambrus Andor: Electron microscopic observations on the adrenal gland of the green toad (Bufo viridis Laur.). In: Acta biologica, (18) 1-4. pp. 223-240. (1972)