Csoknya Mária and Halasy Katalin: Anatomy of the nervous system of mayfly larvae ( Palingenia longicauda OLIV ). In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 89-95. (1977)
Erdei M.: Food-biological investigation on the fox populations in Southern Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 97-107. (1977)
Farkas Gyula: Anthropological Outlines of the Prehistory of the Southern Part of the Great Hungarian Plain and of Northern Jugoslavia. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 139-167. (1977)
Ferencz Magdolna: Data on the vertical distribution of zoobenthos in saline „lakes" and rivers. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 109-116. (1977)
Gallé László, jr.: Feeding activity and regulating factors of Formicia pratensis RETZ (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 117-123. (1977)
Gaál Imre and Soós János: Comparison of methods for detection oxygen uptake in yeasts: the automatic coulometer and the Warburg apparatus. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 83-87. (1977)
Győrffy György: Predatory insect populations in the host-plant community of the red pepper (Capsicum). In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 125-131. (1977)
Horváth M. Mária: Indole hydroxylation of the members of the Commelinaceae family. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 69-71. (1977)
Horváth M. Mária and Keresztes : Effect of herbicides of 2,4-D base on water-plants. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 73-81. (1977)
Juhász Miklós: Gleicheniaceae spores from Lower Cretaceous deposits of Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 3-17. (1977)
Juhász Miklós: Monolete spores of Schizaeaceae from Hungarian Albian deposits. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 19-30. (1977)
Lipták Pál: The taxonomic method in Hungary and its application in the palaeoanthropological research. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 169-175. (1977)
Maróti Imre and Pipás Emőke: Change in leaf pigments during the autumn colouration. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 31-38. (1977)
Móczár László: Das Nest von Bombus alticola KRIECHBAUMER (Hymenoptera: Apidae). In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 133-138. (1977)
Nagy Mária and Göndör Erzsébet: Change in the endogenous gibberellin content during swelling of Lupinus albus L. seeds. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 39-47. (1977)
Pálfi Gábor and Bátyai Jenő: Effects of biologically-active substances on the amino acid metabolism of isolated lucerne shoots in the case of live-wilting. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 49-61. (1977)
Zsoldos Ferenc and Haunold Ernst: Studies of herbicide sensitivity in the uptake of different ions by rice roots. In: Acta biologica, (23) 1-4. pp. 63-67. (1977)