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Number of items: 23.


Biczók Ferenc: Importance of Protozoa in the Dynamic Changes of the Rhizosphere. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 121-132. (1979)

Farkas Gyula: Die körperliche Entwicklung der Kinder von Békés. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 143-153. (1979)

Finnegan Michael and Marcsik Antónia: A non-metric examination of the relationships between osteological remains from Hungary representing populations of avar period. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 97-118. (1979)

Gallé László: Wirkung der Luftverunreinigung auf die Verarmung der Flechtenvegetation der Stadt Szeged und ihre Umgebung. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 3-15. (1979)

Graguss Pál: Polyphyletic Origin of Angiosperms in the Light of Xylotomy. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 17-31. (1979)

Hortobágyi Tibor: New Chlorococcales species in the Danube Hybrid algae? In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 7-12. (1979)

Horváth Imre: Professor Pál Greguss is ninety years old. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 3-6. (1979)

Horváth Imre and Stammer Aranka: Electron-microscopical structure of gill lamellae of the ide (Leuciscus idus), with particular regard to the chloride cells and H,S pollution. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 133-142. (1979)

Horváth Imre and Takács Edit and Mihalik Erzsébet: Effect of the intensity of illumination on the dry-matter production and tissue structure of the Capsium species. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 71-84. (1979)

Juhász Miklós: Dispersed Matoniaceae spores from the Hungarian Lower and Middle Cretaceous sediments. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 33-47. (1979)

Juhász Miklós: Investigation of some genera from the Lower and Middie Cretaceous in Transdanubia. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 49-64. (1979)

Kedves Miklós: Intraspecific morphological variations at recent Angiospermatophyta pollen grains : Short communication. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 65-68. (1979)

Kedves Miklós: Scanning electron-microscopical investigations into the sporomorphes of the coal layers in the Dorog basin. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 35-44. (1979)

Kiss István: Algological and hydrological investigations into alkali soils, with particular regard to the problems of water uprushes and "variety of colours". In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 13-28. (1979)

Maróti Imre: The conservation of baryon charge and the manifestation of Pauli's principle in the living world. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 105-119. (1979)

Móczár László: Some Dryinids from Malaysia (Hymenoptera). In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 77-83. (1979)

Nagy Eszter: Palynological Evaluation of the Holostratotype of the Egerian. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 45-54. (1979)

Simoncsics Pál and Széles Margit: Azolla and Salvinia from the Pleistocene of Vésztő (Great Hungarian Plain). In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 55-69. (1979)

Stammer Aranka: Special mitochondrial transformation in the inner segment of visual cells. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 85-95. (1979)

Szabó Margit and Köves Erzsébet and Frank József and Nagy M.: Hormone content and hormone metabolism studies in male-sterile sunflower. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 85-91. (1979)

Uherkovich Gábor: Data on the periphyton of the Balaton. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 29-34. (1979)

Varga Magdolna and Stumpf I.: Hastening germination of crop seeds and seedling growth with gibberellic acid. In: Acta biologica, (25) 3-4. pp. 93-103. (1979)

Zsoldos Ferenc and Gulyás Sándor: Changes induced by chilling in the ion uptake, growth and anatomical structure of rice roots. In: Acta biologica, (25) 1-2. pp. 69-76. (1979)

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