Al-Subai M. Y. and Horváth Imre: The effect of alternating periods of light and darkness on the tissue of Phaseolus Vulgaris L. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 41-49. (1980)
Farkas Gyula: Situation of ethnical-anthropological researches into the Hungarian population and the tasks of the future. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 165-170. (1980)
Farkas Gyula and Kovács László: Anthropological characteristics of 24-60 year old grown-ups in Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 171-180. (1980)
Gallé László: Niche analysis and competitive strategies of grassland ants (preliminary communication). In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 181-182. (1980)
Gallé László, jr.: Dispersion of high density and populations in sandy soil grassland ecosystems. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 129-135. (1980)
Győrffy György: Auchenorrhyncha of the upper terrain of a sand soil grassland: quantitative relations, boinomic and ecological-valence data. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 137-142. (1980)
Halasy Katalin: Investigation into some respiration-determining ecological factors on larvae of Palingenia longicauda Oliv. (Ephemeroptera). In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 143-145. (1980)
Horváth Mária and Kiss Julianna and Balogh Ibolya: Effect of 2,4-D and of oil-polluted water on the growth and the metabolic processes of Cucurbitaceae seedlings. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 123-128. (1980)
Juhász Miklós: Bryophyte spores from Hungarian early cretaceous rocks. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 51-62. (1980)
Kedves Miklós: Palynological investigations on Austrian upper cretaceous and lower tertiary sediments. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 63-77. (1980)
Laskay Gábor and Lehoczki Endre and Szalay László: Effects of cerulenin and pyridazinone herbicides on the greenning of barley leaves under low intensity of light. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 21-31. (1980)
Maróti Imre: The symmetry of living beings I. The decrease in symmetries and evolution. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 95-107. (1980)
Móczár László: 10' years research work at the department of zoology (1969-1979). In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 9-20. (1980)
Móczár László and Bíró A.: On the insect fauna of the alkali flat at Kiskundorozsma. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 147-159. (1980)
Móczár László and Gallé László and Győrffy György and Hornung Erzsébet: Complex ecological investigations in a sandy soil grassland: aims and general methodology. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 161-164. (1980)
Pataky Szerén and Tóth Katalin: Histological and morphological comparison of the leaves of cydoniae. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 79-93. (1980)
Pálfi Gábor and Pintér László: Determination of the drought-resistance of inbred maize lines with proline test. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 109-116. (1980)
Simoncsics Pál: Obituary professor Dr. Imre Horváth. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 3-8. (1980)
Tombácz Erzsébet: Preparation and spectroscopic properties of an albumin-chlorophyll-a complex. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 33-39. (1980)
Tóth Ildikó and Zsoldos Ferenc: ATPase activity and its connection with the active K+ uptake of different segments of rice and wheat roots. In: Acta biologica, (26) 1-4. pp. 117-121. (1980)