Chronicle 1984. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 221-222. (1985)
Farkas Gyula: Lajos Bartucz, the outstanding personality of Hungarian anthropology : Commemoration on the centenary of his birth. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 3-8. (1985)
Farkas Gyula and Hunya Péter and Szekeres Erika: Relationship of the menarcheal age of city-girls with socio-economic factors. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 183-190. (1985)
Gulyás Sándor: Publicationss of Prof. Dr. Pál Greguss 1909-1982. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 207-214. (1985)
Halasy Katalin and Benedeczky István: Electron microscopic study on the innervation of the gut-musculature in the carp (Cyprinus carpio). In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 27-42. (1985)
Juhász Miklós and Góczán László: Comparative study of Albian monosulcate angiosperm pollen grains. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 147-172. (1985)
Juhász Miklós and Smirnova S. B.: Gregussisporites, a new spore genus from Albian sediments. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 217-219. (1985)
Kedves Miklós: LM, TEM and SEM investigations on recent inaperturate Gymnospermalophyla pollen grains. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 129-146. (1985)
Kedves Miklós: The present day state of Upper Cretaceous palaeophytogeography on palynological evidence. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 115-127. (1985)
Kedves Miklós: Étude palynologique d'un lignite Tertiaire de Blao, Viet-Nam II. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 97-113. (1985)
Kedves Miklós and Szederkényi Tibor: The importance of the spore-pollen investigations in the recognition of the radioactive element content of the lake mud. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 215-216. (1985)
Körmöczi László: Determination of the degree of intraspecific competition in monocultures. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 173-181. (1985)
Marcsik Antónia: Paleopathology of the Avar-age between the Danube and Tisza rivers : Thesis of Dissertation for Candidate Degree. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 191-196. (1985)
Margóczi Katalin and Maróti Imre: The spatial distribution of carbohydrates in the leaves of maize grown in various light-dark cycles. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 87-96. (1985)
Móczár László: Ceropalidae from Sri Lanka (Hymenoptera). In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 43-47. (1985)
Nemcsók János and Orbán László and Dobler Lászlóné and Szépfalussy J.: Acetylcholinesterase activity measurements as a tool for demonstrating the possible cause of fish decay. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 9-12. (1985)
Németh Endre: Acceleration-sexuality Certain characteristics of the sexual life and physical maturity of 14-18 years old secondary school children. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 197-205. (1985)
Pálfi Gábor and Gulyás Sándor: Rapid determination of pollen fertility of two insect pollinated plant species by staining with the aid of proline-isatin reaction. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 49-53. (1985)
Takács Edit and Maróti Imre: Adaptation of the membraneous system of bean chloroplasts to identical and alternating light-dark periods. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 71-86. (1985)
Vig É. and Halasy Katalin and Fekete Éva and Nemcsók János and Benedeczky István: Biochemical , fluorescence microscopic and ultrastructural studies on biogenic monoamines in the gut of Helix pomatia. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 13-25. (1985)
Zsoldos Ferenc: Effects of environmental factors on ion uptake by plants (Based on an academic doctoral dissertation defended on January 7th, 1983) : [Based on an academic doctoral dissertation defended on January 7th, 1983]. In: Acta biologica, (31) 1-4. pp. 55-69. (1985)