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Chronicle 1989. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 245-247. (1989)

Bagi István: The vegetation map of the Tripolisz UNESCO biosphere reserve core arca Kiskunság National Park , Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 39-51. (1989)

Biczók Ferenc: Prof. Dr. Ambrus Ábrahám. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 9-13. (1989)

Farkas Gyula: Die Ausbildung sekundärer Geschlechtsmerkmale bei ungarischen Mädchen. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 157-161. (1989)

Farkas Gyula: Prof. Dr. Pál Lipták zum 75. Geburtstag. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 3-7. (1989)

Farkas Gyula; Oláh Sándor: Bibliography of Prof. Dr. Ambrus Ábrahám. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 15-35. (1989)

Finnegan Michael; Marcsik Antónia: Biological distance in the 5-11th centuries populations using non-metric frequency data. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 163-174. (1989)

Gulyás Sándor: Pál Greguss life and activity : In memoriam Professor Greguss. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 37-38. (1989)

Győrffy György; Szőnyi G.: Movements of phytophagous inscct populations between ungrazed sandy grassland and adjacent areas. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 129-155. (1989)

Gábriel Róbert: Morphological elements of control of smooth muscle activity in the frog stomach: an EM study. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 103-113. (1989)

Gévay Gábor; Kedves Miklós: A structural model of the sporopollenin based on dodecahedrane units. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 53-57. (1989)

Hernádi László; Benedeczky István: Receptor cell renewal in the sensory epithelia of the lip of the snail Helix pomatia L. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 115-120. (1989)

Hernádi László; Benedeczky István: The innervation of the muscle and gland cells in the lip of the snail Helix pomaliti L. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 121-128. (1989)

Kedves Miklós: Quasi-crystalloid biopolymer structures of the sporodermand its highly organized degrees. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 59-70. (1989)

Kedves Miklós; Kincsek Irén: Effect of the high temperature on the morphological characteristic features of the sporomorphs 1. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 233-235. (1989)

Kedves Miklós; Rojik Imre: Investigation of the biopolymer organization of partially degraded exines with the fragmentation method. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 71-80. (1989)

Kocsis S. Gábor: Untersuchungen an aus Ausgrabungen stammenden Zähnen und Kiefern in Ungarn ( Literaturübersicht ). In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 175-190. (1989)

Kósa Ferenc; Virágos Kis Erzsébet; Rengei Béla: Altersbedingte Veränderung des Gehaltes menschlicher Knochen an anorganischen Substanzen. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 191-198. (1989)

Kósa Ferenc; Virágos Kis Erzsébet; Rengei Béla; Földes Vilmos: Untersuchung des Gehaltes von aus Kriegs-Massengräbern stammenden Knochen an anorganischen Substanzen. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 199-205. (1989)

Laskay Gábor: Organization of the photosynthetic apparatus in modified chloroplast membranes. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 241-243. (1989)

Pálfi György: The occurrence of bone tumors in the anthropological remains belonging to the Székkutas-Kápolnadülö cemetery (Hungary) of the late Avar period. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 207-220. (1989)

Pálfi-Deim Gábor; Gulyás Sándor; Cseuz László: Demonstration of the extent of drought rcsistence in winter wheat varieties, and study of the proline accumulation ability of 25 cultivated species. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 81-89. (1989)

Pécsváradi Attila: Amino acids as sources of nitrogen for the growth of some hydroponically cultured plants. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 237-239. (1989)

Pónyi Sándor; Szabó György: Reference values on historical anthropological skull samples for planning of mandibular replacements (Methodological considerations). In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 221-229. (1989)

Técsi László; Margóczi Katalin; Takács E.; Maróti Imre: Comparison of photosynthetic performances in two genotypes of bean deep oxidating violaxanthin quickly as well as slowly. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 91-101. (1989)

Ábrahám Magdolna; Polyák Béla; Papp Péter; Szajáni Béla: Amino acid production accompanying glutathione synthesis by immobilized Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. In: Acta biologica, (35) 1-4. pp. 231-232. (1989)

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