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Number of items: 17.


Chronicle. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 149-152. (1993)

Bagi István: Phytosociological methodology and methodics in works by Lajos Timár. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 125-136. (1993)

Baranyi Attila: Overview of our TEMPUS-JEP program. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 147-148. (1993)

Bende Sándor sr. and Bende Sándor jr.: The ultrastructural damage and consequences of pancreatic exocrine endventricles in experimental endotoxin shock. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 3-22. (1993)

Bokor Zsuzsanna: Soil fauna studies in a beech forest II. Comparative studies on soil invertebrates in a forest, forest margin and a clear-cut area in Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 77-91. (1993)

Csoknya Mária and Lengvári István and Hiripi László and Elekes Károly and Vincze János and Szelier Márta and Hámori József: Serotonin content during the regeneration of nervous system in earthworm (Lumbricus lerrestris L Oligochaeta). In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 39-49. (1993)

Csongor Győző: In memóriam Lajos Timár (1918-1956). In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 137-139. (1993)

Farkas Gyula L.: 40 Jahre Szegeder Sektion der Ungarischen Biologischen Gesellschaft. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 141-146. (1993)

Farkas Gyula L.: Die körperliche Entwicklung von Kindern aus der Gemeinde Szegvár (Süd-Ungarn). In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 93-100. (1993)

Horváth G. and Oláh Sándor: Incidence of cranial non-metric traits in the Bronze Age sample of Tápé-Széntéglaégető. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 101-107. (1993)

Móczár László: Supplement to the revision of the Genus Ceropales LATREILLE. III. (Hymenoptera, Ceropalidae). In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 71-75. (1993)

Nemcsók János: Research into the biochemical effects of xenobiotics on fish. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 113-118. (1993)

Pálfi György: Maladies, Activités et Environnements des populations anciennes en Europe Centrale et Occidentale: approche de paleopathologie comparee : Thèse de Doctorat Nouveau Régime soutenue à l'Université de Provence. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 119-124. (1993)

Rojik Imre and Huszta Sándor and Fehér Ottó: Neuragin as an immediate early gene product. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 51-58. (1993)

Serfőző József: Necrotic effects of the xenobiotics' accumulation in the central nervous system of a crayfish (Astacus leplodactylus ESCHZ. ). In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 23-38. (1993)

Tari Irma: Correlation between the salt-extractable, cell wall-bound peroxidase activities and the ethylene production in the pulvini and petioles of paclobutrazol-treated bean primary leaves. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 109-111. (1993)

Vojtkó András: The spore morphology of Hepaticae species. In: Acta biologica, (39) 1-4. pp. 59-69. (1993)

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