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Number of items: 49.


Acquaviva Monique: Paleoodontologic study of pre-agricultural and agricultural populations. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 11-16. (1997)

Almási László and Szathmáry László and Guba Zsuzsanna: For how long does the hand develop? In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 163-168. (1997)

B. Bodzsár Éva: Body proportions and sexual maturation. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 175-181. (1997)

Barabás Anikó and Makszin Imre: Selected physical fitness and physical activity parameters of Hungarian schoolchildren (twelve and fifteen year-old boys and girls). In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 169-173. (1997)

Buday József and Kaposi Ilona: Laterality of children with learning disability. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 183-188. (1997)

Csillik Anita E.: Immunohistochemical localization of the acetylcholine receptor in the mammalian neuromuscular junction. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 189-199. (1997)

Czékus Géza: Anthropological presentation of skeletons from the Verušic-Na (Vojvodina, Yugoslavia) cemetery from the Sarmatian age (4th—5th centuries). In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 17-24. (1997)

Dezső Gyula: Professor dr. habil. Gyula L. Farkas is 65 years old : curriculum and congratulations. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 7-9. (1997)

Eiben Ottó G.: Nature/nurture in growth studies. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 201-206. (1997)

Finnegan Michael and Marcsik Antónia and Pauditz R.: Traumatic injuries in osteoarchaeological samples. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 31-40. (1997)

Fóthi Erzsébet: Anthropological analysis of the Semmelweis Street cemetery at Várpalota. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 41-47. (1997)

Guba Zsuzsanna and Szathmáry László and Almási László: Treatment of missing data in principal component analysis. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 55-58. (1997)

Gyenis Gyula: Change in body size and body composition of Hungarian university students between 1976 and 1990. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 207-209. (1997)

Göncziné Szabó Terézia and Nyilas Károly: Secular trends in eastern Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 315-319. (1997)

Gładykowska-Rzeczycka Judyta: A serious defect of two cervical vertebrae from a medieval cemetery in Poland; Klippel-Feil syndrome? In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 49-43. (1997)

Hüse Lajos and Szathmáry László: Paleosociological concepts to the investigation of some social phenomena of pagan and christian periods. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 59-65. (1997)

Jankauskas Rimantas and Urbanavičius Agnius: Paleodemography and population biology studies relating to the Marvele burial ground : 2nd-7th centuries AD. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 67-73. (1997)

Joubert Kálmán: Some demographic variables and body development indices in relation to child behaviour. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 211-216. (1997)

Just Zsuzsanna and Finnegan Michael: Phenograms due to different set of non-metric traits. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 81-88. (1997)

Józsa László: The antiquity of osteoporosis. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 75-80. (1997)

Kocsis András and Kocsis S. Gábor: The relationship of correct occlusion and attrition in prehistoric and civilized man, on the basis of BEGG's occlusal theory. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 89-93. (1997)

Kocsis S. Gábor and Kocsis András: Supernumerary occlusal cusps. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 217-223. (1997)

Kordos László: New records of hominoid research at Rudabánya. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 95-98. (1997)

Kromeyer-Hauschild Katrin and Jaeger Uwe: Social factors and physical growth of school children in Jena. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 235-240. (1997)

Kósa Ferenc: Determination of body length and age of human foetuses and newborns on the basis of weights of limb bones. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 225-234. (1997)

Leffelholc Eleonóra and B. Bodzsár Éva: Body composition and blood pressure of medical students. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 241-243. (1997)

Leonetti Georges and Dutour Olivier: The angle of Landzert (sphenoidal angle) as a possible new age estimator in forensic anthropology. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 245-249. (1997)

Marrodán María Dolores: Some aspects of the reproductive behaviour of immigrant women in Spain. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 251-257. (1997)

Mende Balázs Gusztáv: New data on the Avar Period population of the Vác region. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 99-106. (1997)

Mészáros János: Body composition and peak exercise haematology in adult males. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 259-264. (1997)

Nyilas Károly and Göncziné Szabó Terézia: Data on the head sizes of young people in Nógrád County (Hungary). In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 265-269. (1997)

Pap Ildikó and Susa Éva and Józsa László: Mummies from the 18th-19th century Dominican Church of Vác, Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 107-112. (1997)

Pap Miklós and Szabó Györgyi and Göncziné Szabó Terézia: Trait variations in children as indicators : preliminary data of a research project. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 271-278. (1997)

Pálfi György and Panuel M. and Molnár Erika: Paleoradiologic study of a 17th century case of treponematosis (Nyárlőrinc, Hungary). In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 113-122. (1997)

Pápai Júlia: Adolescent growth of trunk measurements in athletic boys. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 279-285. (1997)

Signoli Michel and Leonetti Georges and Dutour Olivier: The great plague of Marseilles (1720-1722) : new anthropological data. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 123-133. (1997)

Susanne Charles: Foreword. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 5-6. (1997)

Susanne Charles and Vercauteren Martin: Focus on physical and sexual maturation: the case of Belgium. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 287-297. (1997)

Suskovics Csilla: Data on the biological development of girls in Somogy County : preliminary study. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 299-305. (1997)

Szabó Györgyi and Pap Miklós: Physical development and obesity in children in the Bódva valley. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 307-314. (1997)

Szathmáry László: Interpretation of 10th-11th century populations in the Northern part of the region East of the Tisza on the basis of representative samples. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 135-143. (1997)

Szikossy Ildikó and Bernert Zsolt and Pap Ildikó: Anthropological investigation of the 18th-19th century ossuary of the Dominican Church at Vác, Hungary : preliminary report. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 145-150. (1997)

Szilágyi Katalin and Szathmáry László and Guba Zsuzsanna: Correlation system of head mesurements and their indices. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 321-325. (1997)

Szűcs László: 10th century (Age of the Hungarian Conquest) craniological analogies of the 10th-11th century population of the Ibrány-Esbó Halom cemetery. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 151-156. (1997)

Tóth Gábor and Baranyai Marietta: Study of physique in thyroid patients. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 327-331. (1997)

Walter Hubert: Studies on the variability of genetic markers in the Bodrogkoz area, North-east Hungary. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 333-339. (1997)

Wójtowicz Ewa and Gładykowska-Rzeczycka Judyta: Environment, pregnancy duration and body mass of newborns. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 341-348. (1997)

Zoffmann Zsuzsanna K.: A contribution to the question of the biological continuity of the prehistoric populations in the eastern parts of the Carpathian Basin : penrose analysis of anthropological series from cemeteries of the Maros-Perjámos Culture. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 157-162. (1997)

Éry Kinga: Infant mortality patterns in osteoarcheological samples. In: Acta biologica, (42) 1-4. pp. 25-29. (1997)

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