Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations című kiadvány cikkei

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Találatok száma: 99.


Ahmad, Bashir; Ntouyas, Sotiris K.: A four-point nonlocal integral boundary value problem for fractional differential equations of arbitrary order. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 22. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Ali Khan, Rahmat: Existence and approximation of solutions to three-point boundary valu problems for fractional differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 58. pp. 1-8. (2011)

Ardjouni, Abdelouaheb; Djoudi, Ahcene: Stability in nonlinear neutral differential equations with variable delays using fixed point theory. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 43. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Arshad, Sadia; Buşe, Constantin; Nosheen, Ammara; Zada, Akbar: Connections between the stability of a Poincare map and boundedness of certain associate sequences. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 16. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Arshad, Sadia; Buşe, Constantin; Saierli, Olivia: Connections between exponential stability and boundedness of solutions of a couple of differential time depending and periodic systems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 90. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Ashyralyev, Allaberen: On the well-posedness of the nonlocal boundary value problem for elliptic-parabolic equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 49. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Azzam-Laouir, Dalila; Affane, D.: Second-order differential inclusions with almost convex right-hand sides. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 34. pp. 1-14. (2011)

Baculíková, Blanka; Li, T.; Džurina, Jozef: Oscillation theorems for second order neutral differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 74. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Bai, Chuanzhi: Solvability of multi-point boundary value problem of nonlinear impulsive fractional differential equation at resonance. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 89. pp. 1-19. (2011)

Benseridi, Hamid; Dilmi, M.: Nonlinear and oblique boundary value problems for the Stokes equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 82. pp. 1-8. (2011)

Bie, Qunyi: Qualitative analysis on a cubic predator-prey system with diffusion. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 26. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Bisconti, Luca; Spadini, Marco: On a class of differential-algebraic equations with infinite delay. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 81. pp. 1-21. (2011)

Bravyi, Eugene: On the solvability of the periodic problem for systems of linear functional differential equations with regular operators. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 59. pp. 1-17. (2011)

Calder, Matt S.; Siegel, David: Properties of the Lindemann mechanism in phase space. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 8. pp. 1-31. (2011)

Cao, Jianxin; Chen, Haibo: Some results on impulsive boundary value problem for fractional differential inclusions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 11. pp. 1-24. (2011)

Cao, Ting-Bin; Liu, Kai; Xu, Hong-Yan: Bounds for the sums of zeros of solutions of u(m) = P(z)u where P is a polynomial. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 60. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Cecchini, Simone; Malaguti, Luisa; Taddei, Valentina: Strictly localized bounding functions and Floquet boundary value problem. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 47. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Cernea, Aurelian: Some remarks on a fractional differential inclusion with non-separated boundary conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 45. pp. 1-14. (2011)

Chen, Fulai: Fixed points and asymptotic stability of nonlinear fractional difference equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 39. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Chen, Lizhen; Fan, Zhenbin: On mild solutions to fractional differential equations with nonlocal conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 53. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Chen, Xu; Zhang, Xingqiu: Existence of positive solutions for singular impulsive differential equations with integral boundary conditions on an infinite interval in Banach spaces. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 29. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Cherkas, L. A.; Grin, A. A.; Schneider, K. R.: Dulac-Cherkas functions for generalized Liénard systems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 35. pp. 1-23. (2011)

Chiu, Kuo-Shou: Stability of oscillatory solutions of differential equations with a general piecewise constant argument. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 88. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Danet, Christian-Paul: Uniqueness in some higher order elliptic boundary value problems in n dimensional domains. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 54. pp. 1-12. (2011)

De, Bin; Zhou, Qingmei: Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a Neumann-type p(x)-Laplacian equation with nonsmooth potential. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 17. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Derhab, Mohammed: Existence of minimal and maximal solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation with integral boundary conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 6. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Dhage, Bapurao C.: Strict and non-strict inequalities for implicit first order casual differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 91. pp. 1-6. (2011)

Diagana, Toka: Existence of almost periodic solutions to some third-order nonautonomous differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 65. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Ding, Hui-Sheng; Fu, Jiu-Dong; N'Guérékata, Gaston M.: Positive almost periodic type solutions to a class of nonlinear difference equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 25. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Dix, Julio G.; Karpuz, Basak; Rath, Radhanath: Necessary and sufficient conditions for the oscillation of differential equations involving distributed argument. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 19. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Djebali, Smaïl; Zahar, Samira: Upper and lower solutions for BVPs on the half-line with variable coefficient and derivative depending nonlinearity. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 14. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Du, Bo; Sun, Bo: Periodic solutions to a p-Laplacian neutral Duffing equation with variable parameter. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 55. pp. 1-18. (2011)

Dénes, Attila; Makay, Géza: Attractors and basins of dynamical systems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 20. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Eloe, Paul W.; Usman, Muhammad: Fully nonlinear boundary value problems with impulse. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 21. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Fang, Zheng; Yang, Yongqing: Existence of almost periodic solution for SICNN with a neutral delay. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 30. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Fuentes, Cristina G.; Henriquez, Hernán R.: On the fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii and Sobolev. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 5. pp. 1-6. (2011)

Galewski, Marek: On the Dirichlet problem for a Duffing type equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 15. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Guezane-Lakoud, A.; Belakroum, D.: Weak solvability of a hyperbolic integro-differential equation with integral condition. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 37. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Habib, Habib; Belaidi, Benharrat: On the growth of solutions of some higher order linear differential equations with entire coefficients. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 93. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Hatvani, László; Székely, László: Asymptotic stability of two dimensional systems of linear difference equations and of second order half-linear differential equations with step function coefficients. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 38. pp. 1-17. (2011)

He, Xiaofei; Chen, Peng: Existence of solutions for a class of second-order sublinear and linear Hamiltonian systems with impulsive effects. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 78. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Hilscher, Roman Šimon; Zeidan, Vera: Rayleigh principle for time sclaes symplectic systems and applications. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 83. pp. 1-26. (2011)

Ibrahim, Rahba W.: Approximate solutions for fractional differential equation in the unit disk. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 64. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Ji, Chao: On the superlinear problem involving the p(x)-Laplacian. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 40. pp. 1-9. (2011)

Jimenez, Salvattore; Vera Villagrán, Octavio Paulo: Smoothing properties for a Hirota-Satsuma systems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 61. pp. 1-30. (2011)

Ko, Eunkyung; Lee, Eun Kyung; Shivaji, R.: On S-shaped and reversed S-shaped bifurcation curves for singular problems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 31. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Krisztin, Tibor: On the fundamental solution of linear delay differential equations with multiple delays. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 36. pp. 1-28. (2011)

Li, Fang: An existence result for fractional differential equations of neutral type with infinite delay. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 52. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Li, Xingchang; Zhao, Zengqin: On a fixed point theorem of mixed monotone operators and applications. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 94. pp. 1-7. (2011)

Li, Yinghua; Cao, Yang; Yin, Jingxue; Wang, Yifu: Time periodic solutions for a viscous diffusion equation with nonlinear periodic sources. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 10. pp. 1-19. (2011)

Liu, Bingchen; Li, Fengjie: Blowup solutions and their blowup rates for parabolic equations with non-standard growth conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 77. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Liu, Xiping; Jia, Mei: Multiple solutions of nonlocal boundary value problems for fractional differential equations on the half-line. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 56. pp. 1-14. (2011)

Long, Fei; Yang, Mingquan: Positive periodic solutions of delayed Nicholson’s blowflies model with a linear harvesting term. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 41. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Lupulescu, Vasile; Younus, Awais: Controllability and observability for a class of time-varying impulsive systems on time scales. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 95. pp. 1-30. (2011)

Lyons, Jeffrey W.: Differentiation of solutions of nonlocal boundary value problems with respect to boundary data. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 51. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Ma, Junchi; Yang, Jun: Existence of solutions for multi-point boundary value problem of fractional q-difference equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 92. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Mashiyev, Rabil; Yucedag, Zehra; Ogras, Sezgin: Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a Dirichlet problem involving the discrete p(x)-Laplacian operator. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 67. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Megan, Mihail; Traian, Ceausu; Minda, Andrea A.: On Barreira-Valls polynomial stability of evolution operators in Banach spaces. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 33. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Mohamed, Mesliza; Thompson, Bevan; Jusoh, Muhammad Sufian: First-order three-point BVPs at resonance (II). In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 68. pp. 1-21. (2011)

Neugebauer, Jeffrey T.: Methods of extending lower order problems to higher order problems in the context of smallest eigenvalue comparisons. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 99. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Osuna, Osvaldo; Villaseñor, Gabriel: Some properties of the Dulac functions set. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 72. pp. 1-8. (2011)

Prasad, Kapula Rajendra; Sreedhar, N.: Even number of positive solutions for 3nth order three-point boundary value problems on time scales. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 98. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Qiu, Zeyong; Hong, Shihuang: Correction on the paper Triple positive solutions of n-th order impulsive integro-differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 79. pp. 1-4. (2011)

Qiu, Zeyong; Hong, Shihuang: Triple positive solutions of nth order impulsive integro-differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 57. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Rui, Wenjuan: Existence of solutions of nonlinear fractional differential equations at resonance. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 66. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Saadi, Abdelkader; Benbachir, Maamar: Positive solutions for three-point nonlinear fractional boundary value problems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 2. pp. 1-19. (2011)

Saker, Samir H.: Nonlinear dynamic inequalities of Gronwall-Bellman type on time scales. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 86. pp. 1-26. (2011)

Sathya, R.; Balachandran, K.: Controllability of nonlocal impulsive stochastic quasilinear integrodifferential systems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 50. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Sun, Yibing; Han, Zhenlai; Sun, Ying; Pan, Yuanyuan: Oscillation theorems for certain third order nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 75. pp. 1-14. (2011)

Sun, Yuangong: Forced oscillation of second-order superlinear dynamic equations on time scales. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 44. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Thandapani, Ethiraju; Vijaya, Murugesan: On the oscillation of third order half-linear neutral type difference equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 76. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Tu, Jin; Xu, Hong-Yan; Zhang, Cui-Yan: On the zeros of solutions of any order of derivative of second order linear differential equations taking small function. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 23. pp. 1-17. (2011)

Vas, Gabriella: Infinite number of stable periodic solutions for an equation with negative feedback. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 18. pp. 1-20. (2011)

Vrábel, Róbert; Liska, Vladimir; Mankova, Ingrid: Boundary layer analysis for nonlinear singularly perturbed differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 32. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Wang, JinRong; Lv, Linli; Zhou, Yong: Ulam stability and data dependence for fractional differential equations with Caputo derivative. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 63. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Wang, JinRong; Zhou, Yong; Fečkan, Michal: Alternative results and robustness for fractional evolution equations with periodic boundary conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 97. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Wang, Xiaojing; Bai, Chuanzhi: Periodic boundary value problems for nonlinear impulsive fractional differential equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 3. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Wang, Xuhuan: Existence of solutions for nonlinear impulsive higher order fractional differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 80. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Wei, Zhongli; Dong, Wei: Periodic boundary value problems for Riemann–Liouville sequential fractional differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 87. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Wu, Limeng; Ni, Mingkang; Lu, Haibo: Step-like contrast structure of singularly perturbed optimal control problem. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 46. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Xia, Li; Li, Jingna; Yao, Zheng'an: Existence of positive weak solutions for a class of singular elliptic equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 69. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Xia, Zhinan; Fan, Meng: A Massera type criterion for almost automorphy of nonautonomous boundary differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 73. pp. 1-13. (2011)

Xu, Fuyi: Three symmetric positive solutions of fourth-order nonlocal boundary value problems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 96. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Xu, Jiafa; Yang, Zhilin: Positive solutions for a system of nth-order nonlinear boundary value problems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 4. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Yang, Aijun; Wang, Helin: Positive solutions for higher-order nonlinear fractional differential equation with integral boundary condition. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 1. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Yang, Aijun; Wang, Helin: Positive solutions of two-point boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equation at resonance. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 71. pp. 1-15. (2011)

Yang, Chen; Yan, Jurang: Existence and uniqueness of positive solutions to three-point boundary value problems for second order impulsive differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 70. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Yang, Xiang-Dong; Tu, Jin: Linear differential equations with coefficients in Fock type space. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 48. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Yuan, Chengjun: Multiple positive solutions for (n-1, 1)-type semipositone conjugate boundary value problems for coupled systems of nonlinear fractional differential equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 13. pp. 1-12. (2011)

Zhang, Dazhi; Sun, Jiebao; Wu, Boying: Periodic solutions of a porous medium equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 42. pp. 1-7. (2011)

Zhang, Jian: Infinitely many nontrivial solutions for a class of biharmonic equations via variant fountain theorems. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 9. pp. 1-14. (2011)

Zhang, Liehui; Wang, Yong; Tian, Junkang; Zhang, Liang: A necessary and sufficient condition for existence and uniqueness of periodic solutions for a p-Laplacian Liénard equation. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 62. pp. 1-7. (2011)

Zhang, Lihong; Wang, Guotao: Existence of solutions for nonlinear fractional differential equations with impulses and anti-periodic boundary conditions. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 7. pp. 1-11. (2011)

Zhang, Tianwei; Li, Yongkun: Anti-periodic solutions for a class of fourth-order nonlinear differential equations with variable coefficients. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 12. pp. 1-10. (2011)

Zhou, Huacheng; Kou, Chunhai; Xie, Feng: Existence of solutions for fractional differential equations with multi-point boundary conditions at resonance on a half-line. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 27. pp. 1-16. (2011)

Zhu, Gang; Wei, Junjie: Stability and Hopf-bifurcation analysis of an unidirectionally coupled system. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 85. pp. 1-17. (2011)

Zhuang, Kejun; Wen, Zhaohui: Periodic solutions for a delay model of plankton allelopathy on time scale. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 28. pp. 1-7. (2011)

Çakmak, Devrim; Tiryaki, Aydın: Oscillation criteria for nonlinear delay differential equations of second order. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 84. pp. 1-9. (2011)

Řehák, Pavel; Vítovec, Jiří: q-Karamata functions and second order q-difference equations. In: Electronic journal of qualitative theory of differential equations 24. pp. 1-20. (2011)

A lista elkészítésének dátuma 2020. július 19. 04:24:27 CEST.