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Farkas Beáta: Institutional areas of the market economy and their contribution to the growth and performance of economies. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 19-33. (2011)
Kerényi Ádám: Financial assistance for Hungarian crisis management - a case study. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 35-61. (2011)
Kiss Gábor Dávid: Market dependency and financial buffers in Russia. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 63-80. (2011)
Kosztopulosz Andreász: Some cooperation characteristics of micro, small and medium enterprises in Békés and Csongrád counties in Hungary. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 81-104. (2011)
Kovács Árpád: An outline of the determinations of the past two decades of Hungarian public finance. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 105-124. (2011)
Megyeri Eszter: Multidisciplinary fairness and equity interpretations influencing research on fairness in interorganizational business relations. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 125-135. (2011)
Somosi Sarolta: The effect of energy market liberalization on EU competition. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 137-156. (2011)
Udvari Beáta: The TRIPS Agreement and access to medicines : who are the main losers? In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 157-179. (2011)
Ván Hajnalka: The relationship between international accounting standards and environmental accounting. In: Studies in international economics and finance. pp. 181-190. (2011)