Acta chemica et physica

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Number of items: 28.


Paul Frőhlich. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 229-230. (1950)

The scientific research work of P. Fröhlich. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 230-234. (1950)

Gombay Lajos: Über die Leitungsart der Gelatine-Farbstoffphosphore. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 241-243. (1950)

Kiss Árpád: Über den Einfluss von Lősungsmitteln auf die Extinktionskurven von organischen Verbindungen. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 235-238. (1950)

Szalay László: About an effect of oriented molecules on polarized light. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 255-258. (1950)

Szalay László: Further investigations on the saturation of gelatineous dyestuffs. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 244-248. (1950)

Szalay László and Grasselly J.: On the structure of gelatine. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 262-266. (1950)

Szalay László and Szöllősy László: A new method for the demonstration of self-excitation. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 259-262. (1950)

Széll Kálmán: On Newton's laws of motion. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 238-240. (1950)

Szőr Péter: Connection between absorption and emission of the alcoholic solution of acridine orange NO. In: Acta chemica et physica, (2) 6. pp. 249-255. (1950)


Festband zum 25-jährigen Professorat von Dr. Árpád Kiss : 30. VIII. 1924 - 30. VIII. 1949 gewidnet von seinen Freunden und Schülern. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 1-10. (1950)

Le professeur Árpád Kiss vu par un de ses èléves. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. p. 11. (1950)

Bácskai Gyula and Kovács Klára: Examination of layer inhibiting the corrosion of aluminium on the base of the differential-effect : preliminary report. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 30-34. (1950)

Daudel Raymond: Le rôle de l'orde électronique Broglienne dans la chimie moderne. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 12-16. (1950)

Fodor Gábor and Kiss József: The Synthesis of dl-erythro-3,4-dihydroxyphenyl-serin (nor-adrenaline carboxylic acid). In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 26-30. (1950)

Fröhlich Pál and Szőr Péter: On the self-absorption of fluorescent dyestuff solutions. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 16-19. (1950)

Kiss József and Vinkler Elemér: The reaction of aryl-thio-glycolic acid chlorides with sodium azide. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 75-78. (1950)

Koczka István: Über die Umsetzung des Raphanins mittels Barytlauge. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 38-42. (1950)

Kovács Ödön and Tomobácz Erzsébet: Preparation of some new quinoxaline derivatives. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 35-37. (1950)

Romwalter Alfréd: Über die neue Verbindung : Pb3Ca2J204.7H20. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 24-26. (1950)

Selyem J.: Zur Lichtabsorption der Cobaltrhodanid-Lösungen. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 59-62. (1950)

Szabó Zoltán Gábor: Some remarks on the decomposition of ozone catalyzed by chlorine. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 20-23. (1950)

Szepesy G. L.: The effect of ionization on the absorption spectra of hydroxy-benzene derivatives. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 49-54. (1950)

Sándorfy Kamill: Etude sur le rôle des substituants et des heteroatomes dans le noyau benzénique. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 42-48. (1950)

Tombácz Erzsébet: Zur Lichtabsorption der Aza-Verbindungen. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 56-58. (1950)

Varsányi György: The structure of the complexes formed by cobaltous chloride with absolute organic solvents, according to an analysis of light-absorption curves plotted in the visible spectrum. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 67-75. (1950)

Váradi P. F.: The CoCl2 - H2O - HCl system. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 62-67. (1950)

Wilheim George: The preparation of p-acetamino benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone. In: Acta chemica et physica, (3) 1. pp. 54-56. (1950)

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