Plant cell biology and development

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Number of items: 8.

Chronicle : [visiting scientists, international laboratory activities, laboratory meetings, teaching program of the laboratory, laboratory party]. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 92-94. (1992)

Fernández Marrón Maria Teresa and Kedves Miklós: Sobre el caracter interdisciplinär de los estudios paleobotánicos : Interdisciplinary character of the palaeobotanical studies. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 11-13. (1992)

Kedves Miklós: Preface. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). p. 5. (1992)

Kedves Miklós: Three dimensional modelling of the biopolymer structure of the plant cell wall II. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 67-87. (1992)

Kedves Miklós and Hegedűs Anikó and Oláh Ibolya: High temperature effect of some bisaccate gymnosperm pollen grains. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 14-37. (1992)

Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád: TEM study of ultrathin sections of the partially degraded wall of the sclereids of Armeniaca vulgaris LAM. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 88-92. (1992)

Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád: Transmission electron microscopy of partially dissolved exines of different bisaccate gymnosperm pollen grains. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 38-66. (1992)

Krutzsch Wilfried: Über vermeintliche Dipterocarpaceen-Pollen im Jungtertiär Eurasiens (ein Beitrag zum "wackersdorfensis"-Pollentyp) : Zusammenfassung. In: Plant cell biology and development, (3). pp. 6-10. (1992)

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