Plant cell biology and development

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Number of items: 14.

Borbola Andrea: High temperature effect on the pollen grains of Larix decidua MILL. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 69-75. (1997)

Erdődi Ágnes: List of publications of the Laboratory until December 1996. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). p. 106. (1997)

Gaudényi Szabina: Chronicle : [visiting scientist, international laboratory activities, Hungarian scientific activities, laboratory meetings, teaching program of the laboratory, awards]. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 107-113. (1997)

Kedves Miklós: Experimental investigations on Hungarian Tertiary lignites I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 56-63. (1997)

Kedves Miklós: Preface. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 7-9. (1997)

Kedves Miklós: Upper Cretaceous pollen grains from Egypt I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 10-33. (1997)

Kedves Miklós: Études palynologiques des couches du Tertiaire inférieur de la Région Parisienne VII. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 34-43. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Borbola Andrea: LM investigations of partially dissolved sclereids of Armeniaca vulgaris LAM. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 64-68. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Gaudényi Szabina and Horváth Erika and Kalmár Ágnes and Mészáros Edit and Mészáros Regina and Szlávik Nóra: High temperature effect on the pollen grains of Platanus hybrida BROT. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 81-85. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Kedves Loránd: Computer modelling of the quasi-crystalloid biopolymer structure III. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 100-105. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Károssy Ágnes and Borbola Andrea: LM investigations of partially dissolved sporomorphs I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 44-55. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Kérossy Ágnes: X-ray effect on the LM morphology of some angiosperm pollen grains I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 86-90. (1997)

Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád and Borbola Andrea: X-ray effect on the ultrastructure of the pollen grains of Ginkgo biloba L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 91-99. (1997)

Tóth Anita: High temperature effect on the pollen grains of Pseudotsuga menziesii (MiRB.) FRANCO. In: Plant cell biology and development, (8). pp. 76-80. (1997)

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