Bajpai Usha: Comparison of ultrastructure of the cuticle in some extinct and extant taxa of gymnosperms from India. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 17-24. (2002)
Kedves Miklós: Preface. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). p. 5. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Alvarez Ramis Concepción: Types of sporomorphs from the Ajkaite containing brown coal samples from Ajka (Hungary) = Tipos de esporomorfos determinados en muestras de lignito de las minas de Ajka (Hungría). In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 7-10. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Borbola Andrea: Transmission electron microscopy of partially degraded teliospores of Ustilago maydis (De Candolle) Corda. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 25-29. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Borbola Andrea and Priskin Katalin: LM and TEM investigations on the Upper Cretaceous Ajkaite of Hungary III. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 11-16. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Frey Krisztina: C60 fullerene/benzol solution as an agent of partial degradation of Botryococcus braunii Kütz. colonies from Hungarian Alginite. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 92-94. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Frey Krisztina: Experimental studies on the monocotyledonous monosulcate pollen grains. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 66-74. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Frey Krisztina and Imre Zsófia: LM and TEM investigations on partially degraded pollen grains of Chenopodium album. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 39-48. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Madarász Magdolna and Szécsényi Anita and Priskin Katalin and Sashalmi Judit and Tombácz Dóra: LM and SEM investigations on partially dissolved allergen pollen grains II. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 30-38. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Priskin Krisztina and Tripathi Surya Kant Mani and Kumar Madhav: Variations in the LM morphology of partially degraded palm pollen grains from India. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 75-84. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád and Horváth Andrea: Transmission electron microscopy of partially degraded pollen grains of Ambrosia artemisiifolia (ragweed). In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 49-58. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Sashalmi Judit and Szécsényi Anita: Symmetry operations on the quasi-periodic biopolymer structures of the wall of Botryococcus braunii Kütz. I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 85-91. (2002)
Kedves Miklós and Szécsényi Anita and Sashalmi Judit: Helical biopolymer organization in channels of the tectum of partially degraded pollen grains of Alnus glutinosa. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 95-97. (2002)
Lagos Jorge Adalberto and Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád and Priskin Katalin and Tombácz Dóra and Horváth Andrea: Estudios experimentales sobre granos de polen de Ambrosia cumanensis H.B.K. de El Salvador. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 59-65. (2002)
Morbelli Marta A.: Sobre la entrega de la Medalla del Milenio con motivo de haberse umplido el décimo aniversario de la creación del Cell Biological and volutionary Micropaleontological Laboratory. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). p. 6. (2002)
Szécsényi Anita: Chronicle : [visiting scientist, international laboratory activities, Hungarian scientific activities, laboratory meetings and news, teaching program of the laboratory]. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 100-107. (2002)
Tombácz Dóra: List of publications of the Laboratory until December 2001. In: Plant cell biology and development, (14). pp. 98-99. (2002)