Bajpai Usha: Megaspores from sandy shales associated with a local coal seam exposed in the vicinity of Hahajor Village, Hura Tract, Rajmahal Basin, India. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 20-27. (2003)
Borbola Andrea: Experimental investigations on the teliospores of Ustilago maydis DC. : review. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 7-12. (2003)
Béres Orsolya and Jacsó Diana: List of publications of the Laboratory until December 2002. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 99-100. (2003)
Jacsó Diana and Jacsó László: Chronicle : [visiting scientist, international laboratory activities and news, Hungarian scientific activities, laboratory meetings and news, teaching program of the laboratory, award]. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 101-107. (2003)
Kedves Miklós: Preface. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). p. 6. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Béres Orsolya and Jacsó Diana and Farkas Ágnes and Nyári Szilvia and Imre Zsófia and Kocsicska Ivana and Varga Brigitta: Effect of the high temperature and the C60 fullerene/benzol solution to the pollen grains of Ginkgo biloba L. and Quercus robur L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 51-58. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Béres Orsolya and Jacsó Diana and Kocsicska Ivana and Varga Brigitta: Symmetry operations on the C60 fullerene/benzol solution revealed biopolymer structures. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 93-95. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Imre Zsófia and Frey Krisztina and Bangó János and Lukács Petra and Hajnal Eszter and Gégény Brigitta and Szél Tamás and Krizsán Tamás and Schulz Gábor: Experimental investigations on the pollen grains of Malva sylvestris L. and Hibiscus syriacus L. I. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 59-68. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Jacsó Diana: Symmetry operations on octagonal biopolymer structure of partially degraded ectexine of Ginkgo biloba L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 96-98. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Kocsicska Ivana and Priskin Katalin: Transmission electron microscopy of the connectives of the pollen grains of Ginkgo biloba L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 48-50. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Priskin Katalin and Tripathi Surya Kant Mani and Kumar Madhav: Biopolymer structure of the partially degraded cuticles of Cycas rumphii: MlQ : a preliminary report. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 43-47. (2003)
Kedves Miklós and Párdutz Árpád and Borbola Andrea and Priskin Katalin: LM and TEM investigations on experimentally altered pollen grains of Phoenix dactylifera L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 81-92. (2003)
Keves Miklós and Tombácz Dóra and Szécsényi Anita and Sashalmi Judit and Béres Orsolya: LM and TEM investigations on partially degraded pollen grains of Triticum aestivum L. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 69-80. (2003)
Lagos Jorge Adalberto and Kedves Miklós and Madarász Magdolna and Béres Orsolya: Investigaciones experimentales de las esporas de Alsophila salvinii Hooker. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 13-19. (2003)
Tripathi Surya Kant Mani and Kumar Madhav and Kedves Miklós and Varga Brigitta: LM, SEM and TEM investigations on partially degraded pollen grains of Cycas rumphii MlQ. from India. In: Plant cell biology and development, (15). pp. 28-42. (2003)