Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019 című kiadvány cikkei

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Találatok száma: 16.

Asztalos Erika; F. Gulyás Nikolett; Horváth Laura; Timár Bogáta: New aspects in the study of Mari, Udmurt, and Komi-Permyak. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 255-274. (2021)

Blokland Rogier: Notes on Nicolaes Witsen and his Noord en Oost Tartarye. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 11-25. (2021)

Bíró Bernadett: The use and semantics of the Northern Mansi diminutive -riś~rəś. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 81-97. (2021)

Bíró Bernadett; Sipőcz Katalin; Szeverényi Sándor: Ethnosyntax in Siberian Uralic languages. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 275-287. (2021)

Culver Christopher: On some Chuvash-Mari shared lexemes and Agyagási’s "Late Gorodets" hypothesis. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 185-200. (2021)

Fejes László: Reconsidering the Nganasan vowel system. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 229-253. (2021)

Juhos Meri: On the language use of the first Finnish medical text. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 45-54. (2021)

Kelemen Ivett: The life and work of the Saami theologian and linguist : Anders Porsanger. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 71-79. (2021)

Kubitsch Rebeka: The use of body part terms in expressing emotions in Udmurt. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 149-171. (2021)

Németh Zoltán: The characteristics of responses given to compliments in Udmurt. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 173-184. (2021)

Sipos Mária: Word and stem repetitions in the heroic epic songs collected by Antal Reguly. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 131-147. (2021)

Sipőcz Katalin: The event of "giving" and "getting" in Siberian Uralic languages. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 99-118. (2021)

Szeverényi Sándor: Sajnovics, the responsible fieldworker. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 55-70. (2021)

Virtanen Susanna: A word-formational approach to neologisms in modern Northern Mansi. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 119-129. (2021)

Várnai Zsuzsa; Hámori Ágnes: "Сувениры Севера" Minority identity and discourse : representation of indigenous minorities of Northern Russia in the digital media - the case of Dudinka. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 201-227. (2021)

Wagner-Nagy Beáta; Däbritz Chris Lasse; Lehmberg Timm: Undiscovered treasures : from the field research archive to the digital database. In: Uralic studies, languages, and researchers : proceedings of the 5th Mikola Conference 19-20, September 2019, (54). pp. 27-44. (2021)

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