Vaczkó Gábor and Kristó István and Jakab Péter and Hódi László and Tar Melinda: The effect of different weed control technologies on weed species composition of maize. In: Review on agriculture and rural development, (7) 1-2. pp. 67-71. (2018)
Kristó István and Vaczkó Gábor and Tar Melinda and Jakab Péter and Hódi László: The effect of different weed control technologies on yield of maize and profitability of maize production. In: Review on agriculture and rural development, (7) 1-2. pp. 72-76. (2018)
Bese Gábor and Hódi László and Keller Tamás and Szabó Roland: Muskweed Myagrum perfoliatum L. is an emerging new potential weed in Hungarian oilseed rape fields.
Vaczkó Gábor and Hódi László and Tar Melinda and Jakab Péter and Kristó István: The effect of different weed control technologies on weed species composition of maize.
Kristó István and Vaczkó Gábor and Tar Melinda and Jakab Péter and Hódi László: The effect of different weed control technologies on yield of maize and profitability of maize production.