Blagojev Nevena and Kukić Dragana and Vasić Vesna and Šćiban Marina and Prodanović Jelena and Bera Oskar: Effect of sugar beet shreds particle size on biosorption of Cu(II) ions from aqeous solutions in a fixed-bed column.
Vasić Vesna and Kukić Dragana and Šćiban Marina and Blagojev Nevena and Prodanović Jelena: Microplastics as environmental threat.
Vasić Vesna and Šćiban Marina and Prodanović Jelena and Kukić Dragana and Jokić Aleksandar and Blagojev Nevena: Optimization of microfiltration for distillery wastewater purification.
Blagojev Nevena and Kukić Dragana and Vasić Vesna and Šćiban Marina and Prodanović Jelena and Bera Oskar: Removal of copper ions from aqueous solutions by sugar beet shreds and poplar sawdust in a fixed-bed column.