Fülep Lajos Dantéja

Gosztonyi Ferenc: Fülep Lajos Dantéja. In: Elhallgatom, hogy rájöhess magadtól : az Isteni Színjáték forrásai és hatása. pp. 259-278. (2016)

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Lajos Fülep’s (1885–1970) texts on Dante are well known to the Hungarian Dante researchers. My essay analyzes Fülep’s Dante-study written in the early 1910s in Italy. This major text on Dante did not appear in the author’s life. The complete form of the manuscript was published in 1995 in the second volume of Fülep’s collected essays. From 1907 to 1914 Fülep, a former art critic, lived in Italy with a state scholarship. Until 1913 he lived in Florence than in Rome. During those years he became interested in philosophy, aesthetics and art history. He translated Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy and wrote an introduction to it (1910). He was also a member of the Biblioteca Filosofica in Florence. There he gave two lectures in Italian: Nietzsche and La memoria nella Creazione Artistica. In 1911 in Florence, he co-edited with Georg Lukács and Sándor Hevesi a philosophy journal entitled A Szellem (The Spirit). The subtitle was: Metaphysics, ethics, religion, philosophy, aesthetics. According to his own biographical notes Fülep converted at the turn of 1907–1908. During his stay in Florence he worked on a volume of essays. This book dealt with the problem of individualism and style, but finally never appeared. Fülep planned three main chapters: San Francesco, Dante, Giotto. Today only the fragments of two chapters survived (San Francesco, Dante). In my essay I tried to reconstruct the original context of Fülep’s Dante-study. His thesis was that contrary to contemporary individualism (criticized by Fülep) the “true individualism” of the Middle Ages had religious metaphysical background. His examples were the protagonists of his book: San Francesco, Dante and Giotto. He described Dante as a real individual and mystical. According to Fülep with Dante’s “true individualism” alone the lyric genre fit. (On lyric Fülep understood all forms of the manifestation of subjectivism). From this follows much of his controversial definition of the Commedia’s genre: “The Commedia is a mystical lyric poem built with scholastic tectonics.”

Mű típusa: Könyv része
Egyéb cím: Lajos Fülep’s Dante
Befoglaló folyóirat/kiadvány címe: Elhallgatom, hogy rájöhess magadtól : az Isteni Színjáték forrásai és hatása
Dátum: 2016
ISBN: 978-963-306-510-5
Oldalak: pp. 259-278
Konferencia neve: Az Isteni Színjáték forrásai és hatása (2.) (2016) (Szeged)
Kulcsszavak: Dante Alighieri, Olasz irodalom - 1290-1321 - életmű, Olasz irodalom - eposz, Műelemzés - irodalmi
Megjegyzések: Bibliogr.: p. 275-277. és a lábjegyzetekben ; összefoglalás angol nyelven
Feltöltés dátuma: 2020. feb. 03. 12:10
Utolsó módosítás: 2020. feb. 03. 12:10
URI: http://acta.bibl.u-szeged.hu/id/eprint/64563
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